Year One: Part Five

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Harry POV:

Harrys face must portray what he is feeling because Pansy looks at him and says "What's wrong, you look like you've just seen a ghost"

This causes Blaise and Draco to also look at Harry.

"Hermione doesn't know about the troll" he tells them.

Blaise's eyes widen.

"We have to help her" Harry says  determinedly

His friends groan but otherwise don't object, they seemed to be expecting this response from Harry.

"How are we going to get out of the hall?" Draco asks

Harry smiles and pulls out his invisibility cloak.

"So we're actually doing this, saving a muggle born" Pansy says eyeing the cloak.

Harry appreciates that she used muggle born instead of the other word.

"You don't have to, but I'm going to" he whispers. Understanding that they might not want to join him.

"Shut up, we're going" Draco says taking the cloak from Harry and putting it over them. Pansy and Blaise huddle over next to them and squeeze under the cloak.

It's a little tight with the four of them under it, but it's good enough to get out of the hall.

Thankfully no one notices the four of them disappearing, they're all still to focused on gossiping about the troll.

They are able to sneak out of the doors and get into the corridor without being noticed by the prefects.

just as they think they are safe and can take off the cloak they see Snape going in the opposite direction of the dungeon.

"What's he doing?" Harry says

"He's probably come to the same conclusion as us, that this is a distraction" Draco says "he's probably going to help protect whatever is being hidden"

Draco is most likely right, after all he knows his god father better than they do.

Once they can no longer hear the Professors foot steps they take the cloak off.

"I think we're near the it" Pansy tells them scrunching up her nose.

Due to the foul stench Harry is smelling he has to agree.

They can hear something grunting in the distance and hurry up their pace to find Hermione sooner.

Turning the corner where the girls toilets are, they are surprised to see Ron standing outside of the door turning the lock.

It's then that Harry notices the grunting noises are coming from inside the bathroom.

Where Hermione is.

Ron turns to look at them with a smile, seemingly thinking he's just had a grand victory.

"Please tell me that you did not lock the troll in there" Blaise says looking pale.

As soon as he finished his sentence a petrified scream comes out of the bathroom.

Ron jumps. The three Slytherins rush forward.

"That's the girls toilets, you idiot" Pansy snaps as Draco alohomora's the door.

Harry is really starting to understand why he was sorted into Slytherin and not Gryffindor. How did Ron just not notice he was locking the troll in the room with their friend.

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