Hogwarts Express

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James POV:

Harry goes to Hogwarts tomorrow, and he's gonna miss that kid. It will be nice to have some alone time with Reg, but that has been their entire world for ten years.

The longest they've ever been away from him is occasionally one night while he stays with Draco, but that's only happened a few times.

They don't even get to go with him to the train station, he's going with the Malfoys.

Of course if it was up to him he would accompany Harry without a second thought, but Regulus says it's too risky.

Of course his boyfriend is right as always, don't tell him that.

If they were to show up at the train station with Harry Potter, people would be suspicious of who they were and why they had raised him. They can't reveal themselves yet, Reg has a plan for that later.

Harry is going with the Malfoys, which is still suspicious, but he won't be spending much time with them before he goes on the train. It wouldn't matter, but when Voldemort comes back it needs to be believed that Lucius is still loyal to him.

It helps James and Regulus feel better that they are closer now. They loved to Potter manor a few weeks after Harry's birthday so that they were near if Harry needed them.

They wouldn't hesitate to reveal themselves for Harry.

But until if or when that happens the manor has enough wards to prevent anyone unwanted in without them being noticed. They still have their estate in France if they have to take Harry and go into hiding again.

Just like in the France estate, the floo is only connected to the Malfoys, even though everyone thinks Potter manor is abandoned, and have no reason to come here, it never hurts to be safe.

Regulus is in Harry's room talking with him about tomorrow.

James loves the connection that they have, James understands the slightly reckless and playful side of Harry whereas Regulus understands his quiet side with demons.

When Regulus comes back he sits on the floor beside James. He rest his head on Regulus' shoulder and whispers "I'm kind of jealous that he gets to go tomorrow"

Regulus tilts his head so it's touching James' "that's understandable, Hogwarts was good for you, you had your friends there, and you pulled all of your pranks, Hogwarts wasn't the best for me, with everything that happened, but I at least had my friends, sometimes I miss it. Now it's Harry's turn to make memories there"

James nods "I hope he makes more friends"

"He will, he has a way of making people like him, I'm still surprised he won over Narcissa" Regulus kisses James' head "another thing he gets from you"

The next morning James and Regulus are downstairs helping Kreacher clean up from breakfast.

They only had toast and tea, because they knew Harry wouldn't eat much, as always when he's nervous.

They hear the floo and then Draco and Narcissa are entering the dining room. 

"Are you excited for Hogwarts" James asks Draco.

Draco nods

"He's upstairs in his room" Regulus tells Draco

Draco smiles and turns around heading for the stairs

"please make sure he is actually packing" Regulus calls after him.

They can hear him running up the stairs, and then what sounds like someone falling, and then more running.

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