Harry's Birthday

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Regulus POV:

Tomorrow is Harry's eleventh birthday, which means this fall he will be going to Hogwarts, although he and James had decided that Harry deserved to know and they trust that Harry can defend himself, Regulus can't help but feel sad and worried about Harry leaving.

What if something happens and they aren't their to protect him, or if he doesn't make any friend and he's lonely, he has Draco and Regulus has zero doubts that between the two of them everything will be fine, but even with that knowledge he can't seem to settle his anxiety.

Which is why he and James got him what they did for Harry's birthday, it's just to give him an extra friend and a little extra protection, and they know Harry is  sneaky enough to keep it hidden.

Regulus is sitting on the floor in front of the couch with a book, while James is sitting on the couch running his fingers through Regulus' hair when Harry comes storming into the room holding something.

"It came, my letter form Hogwarts came" he says as he runs over to sit beside James

"I didn't think it would"

James and Regulus give each other a knowing glance, they knew quite well that Harry would be receiving a letter, Regulus made sure of it.

After Harry opens the envelope the three of them read it together, then Regulus says

"When do you want to go get your supplies"

Harry looks up confused, "wait I actually get to go to Diagon Alley?"

James laughs "well if you going to go to Hogwarts you've got to come out of hiding eventually" then he tickles him, Harry giggles.

"Can we go tomorrow afternoon, maybe we can see if Draco and Cissy want to come" Harry asks after he stops giggling.

"Yeah, we can do that" Regulus now taking his turn to tickle Harry

What Harry doesn't know is that Narcissa and Regulus had met the day before and had already planned on going to Diagon Alley together so the boys could get their stuff.

They've also got the glamours picked out so that James and Regulus can go with him posing as some friends just taking Harry for some shopping.


Harry POV:

Harry wakes up way too early the next day, but he can't help that he's excited, it's his birthday and he finally gets to go to Diagon Alley later.

He doesn't expect anyone else to be awake quite yet, but he's proven wrong when he's barely stepped off the last step and there is a flash of blonde hair running towards him and knocking him down.

Harry thinks about casting a cushioning charm and when they hits the ground he finds that he was successful in casting it.

"Happy Birthday Haz" Draco says still on top of Harry on the floor when their parents walk in.

Regulus rolls his eyes at them and James smiles, Narcissa says nothing but Harry swears he sees a small hint of a smile on her face.

"Did you cast a wandless and wordless cushioning charm?" Regulus asks Harry

"Yeah, I guess? I just wished that I could because I knew it would hurt when we landed and then when we did hit the ground there was a cushion there" Harry replies as Draco pulls him up.

The three adults walk up to Harry and Draco, Regulus pulls Harry into gentle hug and whispers into his ear "Joyeux anniversaire, chaton, je t'aime" Harry hugs him a little tighter and replies "Je t'aime aussi"

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