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1 year later

Harry is 10 years old.

Regulus POV:

When James and Regulus step out of the floo into their living room they find a black cat with a white lightning bolt on his head and bright green eyes and a white fox with grey eyes curled up on their couch.

They're just returning from the Malfoys. Lucius had called and asked them to meet, he doesn't call unless he has information so of course they agreed.

Turns out Lucius heard news that Dumbledore has spies out looking for Harry. Most people would have given up since Harry hasn't been seen in nine years, but Dumbledore being the thick old git that he is, still holds out hope that he'll find Harry and be able to use him as a weapon towards Voldemort.

What the old man doesn't know is that Harry has four very influential and very powerful wizards on his side that won't let that happen.

"Your mother wanted me to tell you that your dinner is finished, Draco" Regulus tells the fox, which quickly stands and returns to a blonde headed boy.

Draco pets the cat's head and whispers "bye Haz" before grabbing some floo powder and going home.

James goes and sits next to Harry who is in his cat form, Harry climbs into his dads lap and yawns while James scratches him behind the ears. Regulus rolls his eyes but then also changes into his cat form and joins his son, and sits on James' lap, James takes his other hand to scratch Regulus.

Regulus will only ever act this improper in front of these two people, their his family and he loves and trusts them enough to let down his guard completely, but if they ever muttered a word of this to any other human being, Regulus would probably murder that person to get rid of the evidence, excluding Draco.

An hour later Regulus gets off the couch and transform back to his human form, the three of them may have fallen asleep. And although Regulus is a little embarrassed that be napped in cat form, he doesn't care that much, he's allowed to take a nap with his family and be undignified, he didn't fight to survive inferi to be miserable for the rest of his life.

Regulus hears movement and turns to look at Harry and James who are also waking up, Harry also transforms back into his human form and James is patting around the couch trying to find his glasses, which he lost during their slumber.

Regulus and Harry smile at each other because James' glasses are right beside him he just can't see them, then Harry to help his dad, "I think you're more blind than me" Harry says as he's handing James his glasses.

"Ha ha" James says then he jumps up and goes to grab Harry, but Harry bring the future seeker that he is, is faster than James and takes off running, nearly taking Regulus out along the way.

Then James also almost runs into Regulus in his haste to catch his son.

When Regulus was a child he would have never ran through the house like that, or made the loud laugh and screaming noises that Harry is making as James catches up to him. No, Regulus would have never done that because he would have been heavily punished.

That is why Harry is doing those things, because Regulus has made sure that Harry felt comfortable enough to run around and have fun in his home. Regulus had a terrible childhood so he's made sure that Harry's had a good one.

Suddenly Regulus hears the screams and laughter stop, for a second he's about to go check and make sure their still alive then he sees James walking into the dining room with Harry on his back.

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