Year One: Part Four

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James POV:

Halloween came back around as it did every year, because that how holidays work.

The pain that the day brings has lessened over the years, but with Harry not being home this year made it slightly worse.

They typically spend Halloween talking about Lily and eating too many sweets while watching scary movies.

They could still do that but it wouldn't feel right without Harry and Draco. Actually most things don't feel right without them, the house is way to quiet.

At first James and Reg were using their alone time wisely, James has fucked Reg on nearly every flat surface in their house.

But recently they've been a little lonely, so they've moved on from the intense sex to just talking, cuddling, or affection kisses. Regulus has managed to teach James how to be a little bit better at potions though.

James has given up on trying to reach Remus and Sirius, he's sent a few more letters but has never gotten anything back, he's knows their alive, he's confident that Narcissa would have told him if they weren't, they either aren't understanding his codes or they aren't getting the letters at all.

As much as it hurts James that he might never get to see or talk to his best mates again, he knows that he shouldn't have waited so long to reach out their both our living their lives, they've accepted that he's gone.

James and Regulus have been taking weekly trips to the Malfoy's to have tea with Narcissa. They have also been taking visits outside to muggle parts of France much more often than they should.

They got a letter last night from Harry telling them that Harry and Draco had gotten into a fight because Draco had bullied someone and he was acting different at school, Harry didn't mention who was bullied.

James had been holding his breath the entire time reading the letter until he got to the part that Harry said they'd made up.

At first James had been worried about bringing the Malfoy family into their lives and about the friendship between the two boys, but over the years their friendship grew and he could see how much they cared for each other.

James understands how Harry felt acting that way towards other people, he remembers a fight between he and Regulus over something very similar. When you know someone who is so kind and caring towards you and is downright hateful to other people, it's confusing and it hurts.

He could tell Regulus was remembering that moment while reading the letter as well by the look on his face.

James is waiting on Regulus to return from meeting with Lucius and Narcissa so they write back to Harry.

Regulus insisted on meeting with them alone, which is a little odd, but it doesn't worry James because he knows Regulus has a reason and he always tells James everything as soon as he can.


Harry POV:

Harry is disappointed that he won't get to have his usual Halloween night with his dads, but, he and Draco are going to try to make the best out of the situation.

They obviously can't watch a movie, or Harry can't look at memories of his mum, and they can't have their small quidditch game with James and Regulus.

They can however enjoy the feast with their friends, eat candy,  sneak out to to fly their brooms which they still have not done, and maybe cause some pranks to scare fellow students.

On the way to breakfast the Slytherins were talking about what they could do to scare people, but not make it obvious that it was then who did it.

When they were almost out of the dungeons Snape called behind them "Potter!"

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