Year One: Norbert and The Forest

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Draco POV:

After Christmas break it felt like the rest of the school year was flying by.

There was ten weeks until finals. Draco, Harry, Blaise, and Hermione had started making their notes a little neater and doing a little studying.

Much to Ron and Pansy's displeasure. They felt that it was far too soon to start revision.

Harry and Draco knew the material fairly well but wanted to make sure that they knew the key words that would be on exams.

They had noticed that Quirrell was looking more unhealthy every day. But they checked the map every night to make sure Fluffy was still there and moving around.

Everything was going great until Hagrid revealed a dragon egg to them while they were questioning him about who else was helping protect the stone.

Even worse was that the giant seemed to find it cute that the stupid creature kept catching things on fire.

Everyday Harry and the Gryffindors insist on going to the hut to help Hagrid, Pansy started staying behind after the first visit when her robes almost caught on fire, and Blaise stays with her.

Draco doesn't blame them for staying behind, if Harry wasn't his best friend he would stay behind with them. The creature, Norbert they call him, is getting bigger everyday.

Yesterday he caught a chair on fire, it took all of them to put the fire out.

Thankfully after that they were able to convince the half-giant that the dragon was going to grow to big and that he lived in wooden hut, a dragon wouldn't be happy there.

They told Hagrid he would be happier at a dragon reserve.

Harry is in the Gryffindor common room with Hermione and Ron writing a letter to Ron's older brother who apparently works at a dragon reserve.

Blaise went to bed early and Pansy is hanging out with the other girls on their year. Draco is sitting in front of the fire in the common room, waiting for Harry.

When Harry returned Draco jumped up from his chair.

"So?" He asks.

Harry shrugs "we sent a letter to Charlie, we just have to wait for him to write back". 

The next week dragged by, they were waiting for the older Weasley's reply, which was taking for ever.

Draco had stayed behind to work on on homework one day when Harry went to the hut with Ron to help feed the dragon, when he returned he informed them that the dragon had bit Ron.

Draco had immediately told Harry that he should stop going to Hagrid's until the dragon was gone.

"No, it's not even that big of a deal, I gave Ron some potion that I brought from home and he'll be fine in the morning" Harry told him.

"I wasn't asking how Ron was, I'm more worried about the fact that I don't want to have to explain to my parents and yours how you've lost a hand" Draco snaps back at him.

Harry rolls his eyes and is about to respond, when they hear a tapping on the window.

Draco looks over and sees Hedwig.

"She'll have Charlie's answer" he said as he hurried to let her in.

He untied the letter from her leg and gave her a treat before she flew back out the window.

"I need to go to the Gryffindor common room" Harry says grabbing the cloak and the map  from where he had just set them down.

"Now?" Draco questioned, he didn't know exactly what time it was, but he knew it was late.

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