Sorting Hat

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Harry's POV:

The first person to break the awkward silence is Pansy.

"You have something on your nose" she tells Ron scrunching up her face.

He glared at her "well you look-" he starts but Harry cuts him off

"Enough, the year hasn't even started yet, let's not make enemies"

They go back to their awkward silence.

Harry noticed that Neville looks really nervous and uncomfortable, which makes Harry realize that he probably is terrified right now, his parents were tortured by Death Eaters and now he's sitting in a compartment with children of Death Eaters, one of them whose aunt is the one who did the torturing.

"You ok Neville" he asks trying to comfort him a little

Neville nods and says "yeah".

Ebony starts moving on his arm, obviously making his sleeve move, Draco notices and they lock eyes for a moment before Draco positions himself to try to cover Harry's arm.

It's no good Hermione already saw.

"What's that" she asks

"What?" Harry says trying to sound innocent and confused.

"Your sleeve was moving, I just saw it"

"Well you're seeing things" Draco says defensively. Harry likes how protective Draco is, he just wishes he didn't get quite so rude.

"No I am not, if you don't tell me I'll tell a professor that your sneaking something in"

Harry is really concerned that Draco is going to hex her which is why he pulls up his sleeve to show the snake on his arm.

Everyone gasps

"That's a Eastern Green Mamba isn't it" Neville surprisingly says.

"Yeah" Harry's says impressed.

"Snakes aren't an option for a pet, and even if you were that would mean you brought two" Hermione shrieks.

Draco pulls out his wand and points it at Hermione "don't tell anyone"

"You can't use magic on me, you might get expelled" Hermione says emphasizing the last word.

"If you tell someone, it might be worth the risk, besides that snake is extremely venomous, we can get revenge through her" Draco says petting Ebony's head.

"Harry won't send a snake after us" Ron says, then adds "will you" timidly.

"No, I won't be getting revenge on anyone, at least for right now" he says, and doesn't miss how Neville swallows when he says right now.

"Believe me that snake holds grudges, and she's been magically altered so that her venom can't be healed easily" Draco says

Harry can tell that they are all sitting back in their seats as though now unsure about Harry.

"I don't want to hurt anyone, just don't tell anyone and everything is cool, but she really does hold grudges" he says looking at Hermione.

"Can we pet her" Pansy asks

Harry nods and stretches his hand over so that Pansy and Blaise can pet Ebony's head.

It's kind of funny to Harry how obvious it is who was raised in a slytherin family and who wasn't just by how they reacted to a snake.

Harry on the other hand was raised in a home that doesn't care where you get sorted, just that you're happy. Harry misses them already.

A voice announced through the train that they would be arriving soon and that they needed to leave their luggage on the train.

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