Year One: Part Six

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Draco's POV:

"What do you know" Draco asks Blaise once they're outside of Hagrid's hut.

"What?" Blaise asks, confused. The others look at them also confused by Draco's question.

"You made a face when Nicolas Flamel was mentioned, do you know who he is?" Draco explains.

"Oh" Blaise says finally understanding. "I've read that name somewhere, but I can't remember who he is"

"Can you find out?" Harry asks.

"Probably, if I do some research" Blaise responds to him.

"I'll look as well" Hermione says before the Gryffindors and the Slytherins go their separate ways.


Harry POV:

Christmas was coming around, the grounds were covered in several feet of snow.

While hanging out in the Gryffindor common room one evening he found out that Fred and George had bewitched snow balls so they followed Quirrell around and bounced off his back.

Harry also might have bewitched a few. He didn't know how to explain it but Quirrell have him an off feeling and he didn't trust the professor.

He hadn't expressed his concerns to Draco, but he knew his best friend understood and was feeling close to the same way towards the weird man.

Harry couldn't wait for the holidays to start, he missed home terribly.

He hadn't been able to write home much with the bad weather. He had seen so many owls come back injured that he wasn't willing to send Hedwig out.

He also missed the warmth that was within his home. Even though there were fires throughout Hogwarts the corridors had become icy. Even the warming charms he had been casting on his clothes and on his blankets weren't quite enough.

Thankfully today was the last day of classes and they were about to enter their last period which was potions.

Tomorrow they would board the Hogwarts express which would take them back to London.

Due to the fact Harry hadn't been able to write he's not sure if his dads will be picking him up with a disguise or if he will be leaving with the Malfoy's.

Either way he was excited to see familiar faces.

Potions was a joined class that the Slytherins had with the Gryffindors so while waiting for Snape to open the door Harry's entire friend group were conversing in front of the door. Including Neville who was expressing his dislike of potions.

Draco and Harry could not relate, they both enjoyed the class and were quite good at it. They had after all helped Regulus make the potions he sent to St. Mungos.

The conversation was going great, no one had argued yet, until a Slytherin who was in Fred and George's year came up to Ron insulting his family.

He shouldn't have even been in the dungeons, he was probably skipping class and didn't have the nerve to insult the twins so they moved to the youngest.

Ron turned red and before anyone could react he dived at the other boy.

The timing was terrible as Snape  decided to show up right at that moment.

"WEASLEY!" the professor yelled.

Ron let go of the Slytherins robes and turned to the professor. His face was full of fear.

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