The start

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*Kristal added 18 contestants*

Kristal: Welcome, campers. I made a group chat for you guys to chat with each other

Jake: Hey guys!

Ashley: Hey, everyone

James: Hello

Yul: Ew even more annoying people

Riya: Shut up, Yul

Aiden: What's going on?

Jake: All Stars group chat

Aiden: Oh.. Hi everyone!!

*everyone says hi*

Kristal: As you guys know, I am the host. but let me introduce you guys to my friends!

Kristal: Season 2 cast already knows them, but Marcus, Nina, and Oliver.

Oliver: Hey guys!

Marcus: Hello

Nina: Do I have to?

Aiden: Wait, why does the puppet have a phone?

Kristal: NO questions, Now I'm going to introduce you guys to someone new. Say hello to Emily!

Emily: Hey guys!

Everyone: Who?

Kristal: She helps with the production and some other stuff

Kristal: Last but not least, and the Season 1 cast knows them..

Derek and Trevor

Gabby: Weren't they in jail?

Tom: Yeah, what happened?

Emily: We bailed them out

S1 cast: WHAT

Kristal: The staff is going offline. You guys can chat.

Aiden: Okay, so how is everyone doing?

Hunter: I'm pretty good

the rest: ^^^ "

Alec: So what do we do?

Fiore: How are we supposed to know?

Jake: How does that child have a phone?

Ellie: I hate to agree with Jake, but I was wondering the same thing.

Aiden: Well, I'm going offline!

James: Same

*they go offline*

Riya: I hate those gays..

Jake: Excuse me?

Riya: You heard me

Ellie: Nobody likes you, Riya

Everyone -James and Aiden: ^^^

Riya: Well, okay then, I'm going.

*Riya goes offline*


That's a wrap for the first chapter. This kinda sucks, I'm sorry. I will try to update as much as I can!

Anyways, happy Easter, everyone!

- Sander, 295 words

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