Jake talks to Ally, James talks to Hunter

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Cyan team gc:

Aiden: I will message James right now, I'll be back!

Everyone: Okay.

In DMs with James and Aiden

Aiden: I need your help. You need to talk to Hunter.

James: Why?

Aiden: Tess still likes Hunter and Ally
Could you talk to Hunter? me and the rest of my team are gonna get Jake to talk to Ally

James: Sure, I could do that.

Aiden: Thanks, James!

James pov:
I walk out of my room to go and find Hunter.

I knock on his door.

Hunter opens the door.

"Hey James, what's up?"

"I need to talk to you about something important. Can I come in?"

"Sure.." He says, being unsure about what's happening.

We sit down, and I start

"So I have a question, it's about Tess."

"What's up with her?"

"Do you still like Tess?"

Hunter's face turns red, and that's enough for him to find out.

"I do, I like both Tess and Ally."

"Oh, okay."

"I just never knew how to tell Tess, as I already am dating Ally. Most people will think I'm weird."

"Well, you're not weird. It's totally fine."

"Thanks, James," He says.

"Alright, I'm gonna go."

"Bye, James,"


I walk back into my room while grabbing my phone from my pocket to text Aiden back.

In the chat:
James: So, good news.

Aiden: What?

James: he likes both Ally and Tess.

Aiden: Great! Thanks, James <3

James: Ofc <3

Cyan team gc:
Aiden: Hunter likes both Tess and Ally.

Tess: Wow, okay.

Tom: I'm gonna go to Magenta's camp to talk to Jake.

Everyone: Alright.

Tom's pov:

I walk over to Magenta's camp to see Ally, Jake, and Fiore sit outside.

"Hey guys,"

"Tom, why are you here?" Jake asks?

"I need to talk to you about something on my team. You guys stay here. Just Jake and I"


Jake and I go into the forest and walk a bit further.

"So, what's up?"

"It's about tess. She really likes Ally and Hunter. Maybe you could talk to Ally. "

"Oh, okay. Sure, I could do that!"

"Thanks, Jake." I kiss his forhead

Jake's face turns red. He kisses me before we hug and say goodbye.


Jake's pov: I get back at camp. Ally is still there, but Fiore is nowhere to be found.

"Where did Fiore go?"

"Her and Ashley went to look for food together,"

"Okay. Listen, I need to talk with you."

"Why?" she asks.

"It's about Hunter and Tess. My question is if you like them?"

"Uhm, I do. I've liked Tess since season 2. You know episode 6, in that cave? That's when I started liking her."

"Oh wow, that's a long time."

"Yeah, of course Hunter and I are together already. I still love him, even though we argue often."

"Mhm, I get it. Tom and I used to be like that."

We both smile at each other.

Fiore and Ashley get back. "Hey guys, we got some fresh strawberries and catched some fish."


I pull out my phone to text Tom.

Private chat with Tom and Jake:
Jake: Ally likes both Hunter and Tess

Tom: Alright, thanks for talking to her.

Jake: It's nothing <3
I love you <3

Tom: I love you too <3

Tom: Ally likes both Tess and Hunter, so technically, you could be with them both.

Tess: Oh wow.

Aiden: Go talk to them.

Tess: Well, I don't know how.

Ellie: They literally like you back.

Tom: For real, just talk to them. It will be fine.

Gabby: You can do this!

Tess: Okay, I will text them.

Everyone: Finally

Tess: 🙄

New chat:
Tess added Hunter & Ally to the chat

Tess: We need to talk.

Ally: Is everything okay?

Hunter: Simp

Ally: Shut up

Tess: I like both of you.

Ally & Hunter: we like you too.

Tess: Could we be a throuple

Ally: Sure!

Hunter: Okay!

Tess: Okay, good! <3

Ally: <3

Hunter: <3

(A/N: It's gonna be ooc rn so😔)

Tess: The whole cyan team is looking over my shoulder💀

Ally: relatable, Magenta is looking over mine😭

Hunter: I'm alone, so😭

Ally & Tess: Skill issue

Hunter: HEY😔

Tess: Hey guys - Aiden

Hunter: Aiden?

Tess: Iskakmajsk
Aiden stole my phone

Ally: damn

Hunter: lmao😭
Why doesn't he go text the cyan team or something.

Tess: he's spamming hearts to James

Ally: Of course, he is

Tess: Gabby and Ellie are cuddling, and Tom is with Jake somewhere

Ally: Tom is over here, btw.

Hunter: I'm next to James and Lake right now.

Tess: Ally, is it okay if I come over?

Ally: Sure!

Hunter: Hey, what about me.

Ally: We can FaceTime

Hunter: Sure :)


New chapter, this took a while. Btw I absolutely love this ship, especially in season 2, sadly we didn't get a lot of them but it's okay!

I hope Tess gets a relationship cuz she deserves one😭😭

That's it for now! Goodbye!
- Sander, 842 Words.

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