Cyan team does a lyrics prank!

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Cyan team chat:
Aiden: Let's do a lyrics prank.

Ellie: What song?

Aiden: I was thinking 'Lovers rock' by tv girl.

Tess: Sure!

Lake: Sounds fun!

Tom: Okay..  would they believe it, though?

Gabby: I'm sure they would.

Aiden: Tom, ur an idiot sometimes, but I love you /p

Tom: :/

Aiden: I'm joking

Tom: I hate you, Aiden /j

Ellie: Stop being gay!!

Aiden: I have a boyfriend

Tom: So do I.

Aiden: Alright, let's do the lyrics prank!

Main chat:

Aiden: Are you sick of me?

Ashley: Huh?

Tom: Would you like to be?

Riya: What are you guys doing?

Ellie: I'm trying to tell you something.

Jake: I'm confused.

Gabby: Something that I already said.

Grett: Uhm?

Tess: You like a pretty boy
With a pretty voice

Hunter: Wdym?

Lake: Who's trying to sell you something

Aiden: Something that you already have

James: What's happening?

Tom: But if you're too drunk to drive
And the music is right

Ellie: She might let you stay
But just for the night

James: Nvm, I knew it.

*Aiden muted James for 30 minutes*

Jake: Okay, what the hell?

Gabby: And if she grabs for your hand
And drag you along

Tess: She might want to kiss before the end of the song

Lake: Because love can burn like a cigarette

Aiden: And leave you alone with nothing

Tom: And leave you alone with nothing.

Alec: What's going on?

Ellie: While the others talked
We were listening to lovers rock

Gabby: In her bedroom, in her bedroom

Tess: And if you start to kiss
And the record skips

Lake: Flip it over, and sit a little closer.

Yul: Can you guys stop?

Cyan team: No!

Aiden: But if you're too drunk to drive
And the music is right

Tom: She might let you stay
But just for the night

Ellie: And if she grabs for your hand
And drag you along

Gabby: She might wanna kiss before the end of the song

Tess: Because love can burn like a cigarette

Lake: And leave you alone with nothing, And leave you alone with nothing

*Aiden unmutes James* (A/N: I HAD TO OKAY?!)

Aiden: Now, how many men have you kissed?

James: Very few.

Aiden: But you offered me a kiss, why?

James: Such a foolish reason, I'm afraid. I just.. wanted to kiss you. <3

The rest of cyan: Do do, do do do do do do. Do do, do do do do do do. Do do, do do do do do do. Do do, do do do do do do.

Tom: Because love

Ellie: Can burn

Gabby: Like a cigarette

Tess: And leave you alone with nothing

Lake: And leave you alone with nothing.

Yul: You guys are done?

Aiden: Yeah, Lmao.

Lake: We did a lyrics prank, Lovers Rock by TV Girl

Jake: Please😭

Tom: I'm sorry, Jake.

Jake: Nah, it's okay, I'm crying from laughing.

Aiden: Well, that was that.

Gabby: I loved your and James's part, Aiden.

Aiden: Thank you, Gabby.

Gabby: Of course!

Ellie: Gabby, wanna go to the lake?

Gabby: Sure!




- Sander, 525 words.

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