Post ep 9!

517 11 9

(a/n: How are we at episode 9 already??? Ik james is back in the storyline, but like pretend he is out.)

Aiden: Fuck you guys.

Riya: L

Gabby: My bad.

Alec: Oops

Grett: Sorry..

Yul: Lmao!

Tom: Fuck you guys.

Jake: What happened?

Aiden: Tess got eliminated.

Ally: WHAT?

Hunter: TESS!

Tess: Hey, it's okay, guys. I promise. <3

Ally: Now I am all alone.

Ashley: Excuse me.. I'm here?

Ally: Yeah, but my gf and bf are not?

Ashley: Fair.

Tess: Ally, meet me at the exit.

Ally: Okay!

Tess pov:

Not too long after, Ally arrived. "I'm gonna miss you." She says.

"I will miss you too!" I say. We kissed. "Bye, Tess."

"Bye, Ally." I say.

We wave at each other as I leave.

Back in the gc:

Tom: Thank you, btw, Aiden.

Aiden: Yeah, of course, that's what friends are for.

Jake: Friends?

Tom: Yeah?

Aiden: I miss James. :(

Tom: It's okay, buddy.

Replying to aiden
James: I miss you too, Aiden.

Aiden: :((

James: -Virtual hug.-

Aiden: -Virtual hug.- :)

Fiore: Keep it pg okay?

James: Jesus Fiore.
Aiden, I have a suprise for you.

Aiden: Huh? What?

James: You'll see. I'm omw there with fiore.

Aiden: Okay!

James pov:

We arrived at Cyan Teams Camp.

Aiden ran towards me to hug me. He gave me a kiss soon after. "I missed you so much." He says, his head buried in my shirt.

"Hey, I've got to show you something. Remember?" I say.

"Oh yeah. Of course." He says.

In one fast motion, I get on my knee and pull out a box. I open the box and start talking. "Aiden, Will you marry me." I say.

"Oh my God! Yes, I would, James. 100 times, yes." He says, pulling me into a hug.

"This ring is so pretty!" He says. "I know, Fiore did help me out a little." I say.

"Yeah, I got earrings at that ome jewelry for my birthday, remember? That's where the ring is from."

"Oh wow, thanks." He says, kissing me.

In the group chat:

Kristal: @james @aiden Can I say it?

James: Go on, I know you can see the cameras!

Kristal: Okay! So, James and Aiden got engaged!

Grett: Wait, just now?

Aiden: Mhm, James proposed to me.

Lake: That's so cute!!

Fiore: Congrats, dads! :)

Aiden: Thanks, little one.

Fiore: HEY!

Aiden: I'm joking!! 😭😭

Fiore: :(

Aiden: Fiore, come here.

Fiore: Fine.

(They shared a hug)

James: Alright, We're in our way back to the motel!

Aiden: Aww bye:(

James: Don't worry! You can do this! Bye-bye!

Aiden :)

Riya: You guys done?

Aiden: Yes.

Riya: I hate Yul so much. What he says to grett is just insane and unacceptable.

Grett: Riya, it's fine.

Riya: No, it's not! He doesn't deserve a girl like you. You're so pretty!

Grett: Thanks, I guess. :)

Lake: I smell a new wlw relationship coming.

Gabby: YES YES, OMG!

Aiden: How do we have so many mlm ships that are canon and no wlw ships?


Lake: Right? It's really stupid.
Aiden and I are literally wlw/mlm solidarity.

Aiden: REAL!!

Lake: !!!

Alec: Damn, a lot is going on ever here.

Riya: Yeah, right.

James: Aiden, I miss one of my hoodies. Do you have it?

Aiden: Yeah, I do. It's very comfortable.

Jake: See Tom, It's that easy!

Tom: Alright, fine. I'm on my way.

Jake: Thanks. :)


Idk how to end this but yeah. IM SO SAD TESS IS OUT.

- Sander, 588 words.

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