Truth or dare + Jaiden & Lake ft

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Kristal: @everyone, let's play truth or dare.

Yul: Really?

Kristal: Yes!
Now James, Truth or dare?

James: Uhm, truth.

Kristal: Who's the last person you texted? (besides this group chat)

James: Aiden, my baby.

Kristal: Ugh, boring.
Riya truth or dare

Riya: Truth

Kristal: Riya, who do you hate the most in here.

Riya: Everyone, but if I had to pick, I'd say Yul ,maybe Aiden.

Kristal: Alright.. Alec, truth or dare?

Alec: Dare, I'm not a pussy.

Kristal: I dare you to confess who you like.

Alec: Do I have to?

Kristal: Yes, or you will have to shave your head.

Alec: Ugh, fine, It's Connor.

Connor: What?

Alec: Connor, I am in love with you.

Connor: Oh wow.

Kristal: You guys done?

Alec: private message me, Connor.

Connor: Okay.

Kristal: Alright, Aiden truth or dare?

Aiden: Truth.

Kristal: Boring, anyways I have a fun question for you. What was your parents' reaction to you coming out as trans. (A/N: Everyone in chat knows he's trans btw)

Aiden: So I have 2 moms and a dad (my parents divorced when i was 7, my mom married a woman because she realized she is a lesbian.). I was 14 when I realized I was trans and I came out to my moms at 16. When I went to college, I spent a part of my college money on top surgery that I got at 19, a year before I got on Disventure Camp. Both of my moms are very supportive. Sadly, my dad disowned me and didn't want anything to do with me.

Kristal: Damn, I might as well start feeling bad for you.
Anyways, let's continue. Ashley, truth or dare?

Ashley: dare

Kristal: I dare you to climb a tree

Ashley: Easy

*she does the dare*

Ashley: I'm done

Kristal: Okay. Jake, Truth or dare?

Jake: Truth

Kristal: Damn you guys are boring. Alright, what is your favorite thing about Tom.

Jake: I really love his eyes, but I just love his everything.

Tom: awhh <33

Jake: <33

Kristal: Love birds, Alright gabby Truth or Dare?

Gabby: Dare

Kristal: Finally, someone picked dare. I dare you to run to the lake and back

Gabby: Is it that easy?

Kristal: Okay, in the main time, Lake Truth or Dare?

Lake: dare

Kristal: I dare you to call you dad


Kristal: You must do the dare. Otherwise, you aren't allowed back into the game.

Lake: Fine, just know that you will pay back kristal.

*Lake calls her dad*

Lake: There, we talked. He hates me even more.

Aiden: I'm sorry, Lake.

Lake: It's okay, Aiden.

Kristal: Okay, I think that's enough for now.
Goodbye campers

Lake: I hate her

Everyone: ^^^

Aiden: Lake, James, You guys wanna FaceTime?

Lake & James: Sure!

On facetime:

Aiden: Hey! I miss you guys.

James: I miss you, too.

Lake: same here.

Aiden: Maybe you guys could sneak out of the motel and go find me

Lake: I don't think we can.

James: we could try

Lake: I'm not sure, but if you want to..

James: You could distract the rest so I can go find Aiden

Lake: Sure

Aiden: Well, maybe see you soon

James: Yes, maybe.

They hang up.


Idk how to finish this. The next chapter will be Jaiden fluff, probably so prepare for that!

Thanks for so many readers😭😭

- Sander, 569 words

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