Post ep 11 and 12

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Kristal: Welcome back, connor!

Lake: Congrats, Connor!

James: ^^^ "

Connor: Thanks, guys.

Riya: Yeah, I guess.

Connor: Whatever.

Aiden: Damn, I'll miss you, James:(

James: It's fine!! We'll see each other soon!

Aiden: Fine...

James: Love you, darling.

Aiden: Love you too.

Jake: Damn... </3 I miss Ashley...

Tom: Oh.

Ashley *replied to Jake.*: It's okay, buddy!

Jake: :(

Ashley: Don't be sad.

Riya: Oh fuck off.

Ashley: Shut up.

Aiden: Damn.

James: Lake, I have to show you something.

Lake: I'm coming over hold on.

James: Cya soon!

Aiden: :(((

Lake: Aiden, call me!

Aiden: Okay!

After ep 12:

Tom: Man...

Gabby: Sorry buddy :(

Tom: It's not your fault, Gabs.

Gabby: Still, I feel bad.

Tom: It's okay, really!

Gabby: Okay...

Jake: God, this is bad.

Aiden: Mhm...

Tom: It's okay, guys!

James: Aiden...

Aiden: Yes, James?

James: What did you say to that wolf?

Jake: OH, LMAO.


James: I won't, don't worry.

Tom: What happened?

Jake: Aiden distracted a wolf. He said: "Want a taste of this?" and pointed at his ass.

Alec: HUH?

James: Aiden...

Aiden: Fuck you!

Jake:Oh really?


Jake: I know! I know!

Riya: Aiden, What the fuck.

Literally, most people: ^^^

Aiden: GUYS?

Lake: Oh, you are NOT ready for some season 2 stories.

Aiden: Oh god, no!

James: Huh?

Lake: Nvm...

James: Tell me.

Lake: Eh, I'll keep it to myself. for now.

Connor: Uhm... why is Trevor crying??

Derek: What?

Aiden: Oh lord.

Lake: Uhm... that's um...

Aiden: Wait, what happened?

James: Oh boy... Derek...

Derek: What?

Aiden: Where is he? I'll try talking to him.

Aidens pov:

After they told me we're Trevor was, I looked to find him.

After a bit, I found him. He was still crying.

"Hey Trevor, you okay?" I ask.

"Oh... hey Aiden. What are you doing?" He says

Aiden shows Trevor the chat

"Oh shit uhm." Trevor says.

"Hey, it's okay." I pull trevor into a hug

"So uhm... Derek... I have a crush on him, but he... he..." He starts to cry again.

"Hey, it's okay!" I say. "You like Derek, huh?"

"Yeah... But he... He kissed.. He kissed kristal."

I look at him in shock. "Oh... Now I get why you're crying. I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I shouldn't be crying anyway."

"No, no, you have every right to cry, trevor." I reasure him.

"Okay... Thanks..." Derek walks up to us.

"Hey..." Derek said.

"Oh, hey..." Trevor said.

"What's up, Derek." I say.

"Oh, not much." He says. I look at him, obviously, not amused.

"So you forgot what happened?" I say.

"What?" He says.


"Like you kissed kristal..." I answered

"Oh... uhm... Listen I don't actually like her. I've just been using her and forcing myself to like her to suppress my feelings for someone else." Derek said.

"Who?" Trevor asked.

Derek blushes. "Are you this stupid? I like you Trevor. I have before season 1 even aired."

"Really?" Trevor asked.

Derek nods. "Yeah..." *he pulls me up and looks me in the eyes.


He kisses me. He fucking kisses me.

"Uh Derek?"

"Oh, sorry." He runs off after that.

"Oh." I say.

"It's okay." Aiden says. "He just needs to process things."

"I guess so..."



I'm back after a break, I don't know how much I'll update!

- Sander, 562 words.

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