Random chapter idk😭

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Aiden: Hello, rainbow people

Lake: Hey gays
I mean, guys

Aiden: No, you were right the first time.

Riya: yk there's straight people in this chat?

Tom: ok.

Aiden: idk, I'm bored. Does anyone wanna call?

Jake: Sure

James: I'll sit next to you and call

Lake: I can't right now, I'll text later if I can!

Aiden: Okay!

Tom: I'm with Jake. He's calling you

Aiden: Okay!

Aiden: Hey guys!

James: Hi!

Jake & Tom: Hey!

Aiden: How is it going?

Jake: it's been pretty good, hbu?

Aiden: I've not been feeling well.

James: Yeah, he has a fever and headache

Jake: Aww, I hope u get better, bestie . He makes heart hands*

Aiden: I'll be okay! Thanks, bestie! *also makes heart hands*

*James kisses Aiden*

Jake: Tom?

Tom: Ugh, fine.

*Tom and Jake kiss*

Aiden: cute

Jake: Oh shush

Aiden: Haha
I'm gonna go rest, maybe I'll feel better

Jake: Alright, take care!

Aiden: Will do!

*they hang up*

back in the chat:

Alec: So that's why I can never see my son again.

Jake: Hey, what did I miss?

Alec: a lot.

Jake: Oh my, I'm so sorry, Alec

Alec: It's all good.

James: How you you move when someone is sleeping on you?

Jake: Is Aiden sleeping on you again?

James: Yes, but I don't want to wake him up

Jake: Just lift him up a little and then move away

James: Thanks Jake!

Jake: Ofc!


Gay men taking up my brain

Sander, 250 words

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