Post ep 7/ Meet ups ig

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private chat with Jake and Aiden

Aiden: I'm coming right now

Jake: Alright, cya!

Aidens pov:

I get to magentas camp.

"Hey Jake! Wait, where's fiore?"

"We voted her out."

"Oh wow."

"Yeah, well, I mean, it was Ashley's idea."

"Yeah, fair enough. How have you been?"

"I've been okay, I just miss Tom."

"Mhm, I understand. He's been a bit sick for the past few days, so that's why he hasn't visited."

"I know, he texted me. We called, though, but I just missed his touch."

"I understand, I had the same issue with James."

"Okay, this is gonna sound very weird, but can I have a hug?" Jake asks.

"Yes, of course you can." I say. "Also, I don't think it's weird."

We hug each other. It feels very comforting.

"Thank you, I needed that." He says.

"Yeah, of course. Also, I needed it, too."

We smile at each other.
"I'm glad you're my friend." I say.
"Same here."

We hang out for a bit. After a while, I grab my phone and see the group chat has been spammed.

In the gc:

Tom: Where's Aiden?

Ellie: Don't you have a boyfriend?


Aiden: @Tom I am with Jake at Magenta.

Tom: Oh, okay.

Ellie: What? Are you jealous, Tom?

Tom: Shut up, Ellie!

Aiden: No need to be jealous. We're just friends. He loves you more than anything, and I love James, so?

I do - Jake

Tom: Why isn't he texting from his phone?

Aiden: It's charging.

Tom: Oh, okay.

Aiden: Jake said: "Jesus Christ, Tom. You're so dumb, that's why I love you."

Tom: Oh.

Alec: Why are you guys spamming the group chat?

Aiden: We're just talking.

Ashley: Yeah, I was just reading the chat.

Fiore: Ashley.

Hunter: Not the demon child.

Fiore: I hate this team.

Alec: What happened?

Fiore: They voted me out.

Alec: Oh really?

Fiore: Yeah, why do you care all of a sudden?

Alec: Oh, nothing.

Ashley: Jesus Alec.

Grett: Wait, did Fiore get voted out?

Aiden: Yeah, lol.

James: Oh, I feel bad for yall.

Hunter: Fuck my life.

Jake: Skill issue.

Hunter: Shut up, Jake.

Aiden: Jesus Hunter, chill out!

Hunter: I'm leaving.

James: Bro's pissed off.

Aiden: Lmao

Tom: Hey guys, what did I miss?

Jake: Tom!!

Tom: Hey darling!

Jake: How are you?

Tom: I do feel better, thank you.

Jake: Of course, do you want to call me?

Tom: Ofc!

Aiden: Lovebirds

Tom: Like you can talk, Aiden.

Aiden: Shut up.

Tom: No!

Aiden: Bitch.

Tom: Bye.

Yul: damn.

Gabby: Why is Tom crying.

Aiden: What?

Gabby: I just saw Tom crying.

Aiden: Oh.

Jake: Uhm..

Aiden: Yeah, that might have been my fault.

Gabby: he's not talking to Ellie, Tess, or me.

Aiden: Idk if he would wanna talk to me rn.

Jake, could you try to talk to him?

Jake: Uhm, okay, I'm omw.

Aiden: Okay.

at cyan teams camp:
Jake's pov:
"Hey Tom, it's me." I say.

He looks up at me, still crying.

"Oh uh, hey Jake..." He says, clearly nor comfortable by the idea of me seeing him cry.

I hug him tight. "Hey, it's okay! I'm here."

He cries even more. "Cry it all out. It's okay."

Tom stops crying after a bit. I'm still hugging him.

"Jake, why did you do this. Why don't you care about me crying."

"Because you're allowed to cry. Everyone cries sometimes."

I kiss him, and he kisses me back. "I love you so much, Tom." I say.
"Even when I show my vulnerable side?" He asks. "Yes, even then. I will always love you."

"Jake, I don't wanna lose you." He says. "You won't ever lose me. Everywhere you go, I follow." I say.

We share another kiss as I wrap my arms around him and lay down. We just lay there together, cuddling. Without saying anything.

Suddenly, we hear a click, it's Aiden. He took a picture of us. "HEY!" I say.

He laughs. "You guys are so cute together."

"Uhm, thanks?" I say. "I asked James to come over. He should be here in a bit. You guys wanna join? unless you're too busy, of course." He says.

"Oh, uhm, yeah, okay!" I say.

"Cya then." He says as he walks away.


Yeah, idk what all of this is, but okay!

I watched episode 8, and I can't wait for everyone else to see it. I'm so happy!

- Sander, 753 words.

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