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Aiden: I'm curious what happened to Derek and Trevor.

Fiore: Same, honestly.

Tom: Yeah.

Jake: @derek @trevor How's everything going between you guys?

Derek: Shush, Trevor's sleeping.

Aiden: Simp.

Derek: Shut up, Aiden.

Jake: So, are you guys dating or?


Trevor: What's going on?

Aiden: Trevor, we need to know if Derek and you are dating.

Trevor: Uhm, yeah, we are.

Fiore: Took yall long enough.

Hunter: Hate to say this, but I agree with Fiore.

Jake: Okay, that's new, Hunter agreeing with Fiore..

Ashley: Right.

Hunter: I've learned to tolerate her, still don't like her THAT MUCH.

Ally: Damn.

Hunter: Hey Ally!

Ally: Hi <3

Fiore: Gross.

Alec: Fiore, one day you'll be head over heels, too.

Fiore: No thanks, I'm good.

Ellie: Alec, let her be a kid.

Alec: I wasn't even serious, but okay.

James: Aiden, should we tell them?

Aiden: Uh yeah, sure.

James: Aiden and I adopted Fiore.

Everyone - James, Aiden and Fiore: WHAT.

Jake: Since when?

Aiden: After the season 2 finale, we found out she got disowned, so we took ger.

Fiore: They're great, actually. I thought I'd never say that.

James: Right, she did have to get used to it all.

Fiore: Yeah, it was pretty hard, but I'd rather not get into it.

Alec: That's fine. I'm happy for you, though.

Aiden: James, where are you?

James: I'm with Fiore. We just got back from our walk.

Aiden: Right, okay.

with fiore and James.
James's pov:

I just got back from my walk with fiore. We were at the losers' motel.

"Dad, when will you marry Aiden?" She asks me.

I grab my bag and grab a small box out of it.

"I already have a ring. I don't know when to propose." I say.

"Take your time, I'm sure he'll be very happy." She says.

"Yeah, probably."

Back in the gc.

Jake: Would you marry James?

Aiden: I would, but I'm waiting for him.

Fiore: Oh, hi dad!

Aiden: Hey!

Fiore: James and I are going to Cyan Camp, he has a suprise for you.

James: Fiore!
I'm just visiting, that's all.

Aiden: Okay, cya soon darling.

James: Cya!

With Fiore and James.

"You are gonna propose, right?" Fiore asks.

"Yeah, I will." James says.


I really like The Fiore being adopted by James and Aiden thing so.

- Sander, 400 words.

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