Kiss marry kill‼️😘💍☠️

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Kristal: Campers, we're playing kiss marry kill!

Alec: What?

Kristal: I forgot there's old people in here. Anyways, I name 3 people, and you guys have to answer who you'd rather kiss, marry, or kill!

Connor: That sounds horrible

Kristal: It is! Now Jake, Kiss marry kill. Aiden, Tom, and Hunter.

Jake: Oh shit. Uh, I'd Marry Tom ofc, Kiss Aiden, and sorry hunter, but I'd kill you.

Hunter: Fair enough.

Kristal: Okay, Tess, Kiss marry kill, Hunter, Ally, and Gabby.

Tess: I'd kiss Hunter, Marry Ally, and hug gabby because I don't want to kill her.

Kristal: Whatever, Alec. Kiss marry kill, Riya, Connor, and Yul.

Alec: Marry and kiss Connor. The other two can die for all I care.

Kristal: Yul, kiss marry kill, James, Kai, and Aiden.

Yul: I DONT EVEN GET MY WON GIRLFRIEND? Ugh, fine, I'd kiss Aiden, Marry James, and kill Kai

Kristal: Okay.. anyways, Aiden, Kiss, marry kill, James, Tom, and Jake.

Aiden: Honestly, I'd marry James, kiss Jake, and probably kill Tom.

Tom: Damn I thought we were friends.

Aiden: Womp Womp

Kristal: Whatever, Riya. Kiss marry kill, Yul, Connor, and Grett

Riya: Alright listen so, I'd marry Grett, Kiss Connor, and kill Yul. (A/N: RIYETT MENTIONED)

Kristal: Damn alright. So that's it for now. Goodbye, just do whatever.


A new chapter, after about 3 days, I'm kind of busy with school, so yeah. 😭

Alright, bye!

- Sander, 245 words.

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