Writers birthday‼️🗣 + I slander them!

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Aiden: Guys, it's the writers birthday!

Jake: For real? Happy birthday to him then!

Me(Sander): Thanks, dude!

Everyone else: Happy birthday!

Tom: We should sing happy birthday!

Alec: Eh, fine.

Aiden: I'll start!
Happy birthday to you

Jake: Happy birthday to you!

Lake: Happy birthday, dear Sander!

Tess: Happy birthday to you!

Me: Thanks, everyone!

Tom: Of course!

Jake: Wait, you're 18 now?

Me: Yeah..

Aiden: You're getting old.

Me: Shush

Jake: LOL.

Me: Alright, putting you in dislike again, Jake.

Jake: WHAT?

Aiden: Skill issue.

Me: Aiden, buddy. You're on thin ice.

Aiden: HUH.

Riya: Haha, at least I'm liked.

Me: Yeah, only if you apologize to Aiden.


Me: Guess you stay on dislike.

Tom: Damn, we're getting slandered?

Me: Tom, don't even get me started.

Tom: Oh.

Me: Oh yeah, Yul.. I have a lot to say about him.


Me: You fatshaming your now ex-girlfriend. Making racist comments towards others. I'm not mad about James poisoning you.

Yul: WHAT.

James: Wow.

Me: James, I don't have anything hateful to say towards you, also not toward Lake and Tess.

James: Aww.

Tess: Thank you.

Lake: Yippee

Me: I love you guys!


Me: womp womp

Alec: Lmao.

Me: Alec.

Alec: What?

Me: Why are you such a shit dad?

Alec: Oh.

Connor: Huh?

Me: Connor, I'm neutral on you.

Connor: Okay.

Ashley: What's going on?

Me: You and Ally are okay.

Ashley: Okay.

Ally: All right.

Me: Who did I miss?

Fiore & Hunter: What about us?

Me: Oh yeah, right!
Fiore, you should be playing with mlps. Hunter, you're kind of dumb.

Hunter: Damn.

Fiore: HEY!

Me: LOL.
Oh wait, I forgot 3 people..

Miriam: Huh?

Me: Oh, you.
Yeah, I don't like her.

Ellie: What?

Gabby: ELLIE!

Me: Gabby, you don't have to be a villain. Your gf got out. Just get over it.
Ellie, I like you more if you're nice to people.

Gabby: Oh:(

Ellie: Fuck you.

Me: Womp womp.

Jake: Wow, okay, sir.

Me: Shut up.

Tom: Don't talk to him like that.

Me: Simp lol.
Alright, I'm going bye!

Aiden: That was wild.

Ellie: It sure was!


Finally, I'm updating! It's my birthday!!

- Sander, 373 words.

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