Truth or truth

471 9 20

A/N: Contains mentions of sex. It's not detailed.

Aiden: Guys, let's do truth or truth!

Grett: What?

Aiden: Truth or truth, it's like truth or dare but only truths.

Jake: Uh, sure.

Alec: I don't see why not.

Hunter: Uh, okay.

everyone else agrees

Aiden: I'll start, Truth or truth, Derek.

Derek: Why me out of everyone? Anyways, truth.

Aiden: Because I can, now what do you like most about Trevor?

Derek: I knew you were gonna ask that. Anyways I really love his laugh and his hair.


Aiden: Awh, now you can ask someone, Derek.

Derek : Okay! Uhm, Gabby. Truth or truth?

Gabby: Truth

Derek: Who can you tolerate the most on your team? Except Ellie.

Gabby: After they voted out my girlfriend Ellie, I would probably say Tess. Also Tom because he's my best friend.

Tom: Awh.

Tess: Thank you, Gabby!

Gabby: Alright, James, Truth or truth?

James: Truth.

Gabby: Okay. What's your favorite thing to do with Aiden?

James: I'd say watching movies and shows together.

Aiden: I love you, James.

James: I love you too, Aiden.
Alright, my turn. Truth or truth, Tom.

Tom: Truth

James: Did you and Jake have sex during season one?

Aiden: JAMES!

James: What? I'm just curious.

Tom: Uh, we did.

Everyone - Tom and Jake: WHAT?

Aiden: Oml.

James: Okay..

Tom: Anyways.. Alec, Truth or Truth.

Alec: Truth.

Tom: Favorite disventure camp episode so far?

Alec: Season 3 episode 7, especially the elimination.

Fiore: HEY!

Alec: I'm joking about that. But yeah, I love the episode!

Tom: Okay.

Alec: Truth or truth, Riya.

Riya: Truth.

Alec: I truth you to apologize to Aiden for pushing him off that cliff.


Alec: It is now. JUST DO IT ALREADY.

Riya: Ugh, fine, whatever. Sorry for pushing you off a cliff and almost killing you, Aiden.

Aiden: Fine, I accept the apology, I guess.

Alec: Good. My work here is done.

Aiden: Okay then.

Riya: Truth or truth, Grett.

Grett: Truth

Riya: Do you actually like Yul?

Grett: Actually, after all he has said. Yul, I'm breaking up with you.


Emily: Skill issue.

Yul: Fuck off Emily.

Grett: Yul, I hope you die alone. I hope you never find love again.

Riya: I'm proud of you, girl.

Grett: Thanks, Riya. <3

Riya: Of course. <3


Emily: Well, that must suck.

Grett: Aiden, Truth or truth.

Aiden: Truth.

Grett: When did you realize you liked James more than a friend.

Aiden: I think it was after season 2, episode 9 was out. I remember really hating him before that.

James: Since we're on the topic, I started liking you at around episode 6.

Grett: Awh, you guys are adorable.

Lake: I agree, I'm THE jaiden shipper.

Gabby: She really is.

Aiden: Lake, Truth or truth!

Lake: Truth.

Aiden: Favorite moment in our season together?

Lake: Definitely when I said: "Maybe he likes you."

Aiden: I forgot about that, to be honest.

Lake: Yul, truth or truth.

Yul: Uh, truth, I guess.

Lake: Least favorite contestant?

Yul: Kai, so definitely kai!

James: At least he had a good roast.

Yul: Fuck off, James.

James: I don't regret poisoning you.

Yul: 🖕

James: Put that one right up your ass.

Jake: Damn.

Tom: Babe, let's go to the lake.

Jake: Sure, see you soon.


Truth or truth!

Hope you guys like this chapter!

Bye bye

- Sander, 580 words.

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