Back to the gc

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Aiden: Is anyone awake?

Jake: I'm here!

Aiden: Tom hasn't been back to camp since this afternoon. Where is he?

Jake: Oh, he's with me. He is asleep on top of me

Aiden: Aww, I'm happy for you guys

Miriam: Since when were those 2 together again?

everyone else: ^^

Aiden: Me and Ashley set them up on a little picknick date

James: Didn't you say you hated Jake?

Aiden: Hated. He's a pretty cool guy, actually!

James: Alright, but he might have to tell you something..

Aiden: What?

Jake: Okay, so, before Tom and I got together again, I used to be very jealous of you and him.
I know you had a bf, but I asked him about it, and he basically said you wouldn't cheat.
Of course I know you wouldn't, but that's when I, Ashley, and Fiore  voted him out.

Aiden: Wow.

Jake: Don't be mad about it, please.

Aiden: Of course I'm not, I'm just surprised. Thanks for being honest.
Also don't worry, this won't ruin our friendship.

Jake: Thank you

Alec: Are you guys done?

Jake: Yes

Ellie:Holy shit the author never mentions me

Gabby: Don't break the fourth wall

Ellie: Sorry, gabs

Tess: That's pretty gay

Ellie & Gabby: OH SHUSH

Aiden: they definitely like each other.

Tess: definitely

Lake: Hey guys, what's going on?

Aiden: LAKE!!

Lake: Hey Aiden!!

Aidem: How have you been at the motel?

Lake: I'm doing good, and so is James. He's watching over my shoulder.

Aiden: Hey James!!

Lake: James says hi back!

Gabby: Ellie, can you private chat with me?

Ellie: Sure, what's up?

Private chat with Gabby and Ellie.

Gabby: Listen, there's something I have to tell you.

Ellie: What is it?

Gabby: Ellie, I like you. As in like like.

Ellie: You do?

Gabby: Yeah!

Ellie: I like you too.

Gabby: Do you want to be girlfriends?

Ellie: Yes.

Gabby: <3

Ellie: <3

Back to the main gc!

Gabby: I have an announcement

Aiden: I think I know.

Ellie: How?

Aiden: I knew it.

Ellie: Shush

Gabby: Can I talk now?

Ellie: Yes.

Gabby: So Ellie and I are girlfriends!!

Tess: Congrats, girls



Gabby & Ellie: YALL BET ON US?

Tom: we did, Aiden said if yall got together in a week, I owe him 10 bucks, and if it was at the end of the season He owes me 10 bucks

Ellie: damn

The other teams + booted ppl: congrats, girls.

Ellie: Cyan team, go to our gc

cyan team -ellie: Okay!

Cyan team, gc!

Ellie: So here's a question for Tess

Tess: Oh, lord

Ellie: So do you (still) like Hunter or Ally or both.

Tess: I do like both of them, but Hunter is already out, and Ally is on another team

Aiden: I could ask James about Hunter.

Tom: I could ask Jake about Ally

Tess: You guys would do that for me?

Tom & Aiden: Sure!

Tess: Well, thanks. I know Hunter and Ally don't have the healthiest relationship right now, but I wanna actually talk to them again.

Everyone else: We know.

Tess: Well, let's see.

Aiden: I mean, we're all in a relationship on this team. We can help you out.

Tess: Thanks, guys.


Huntesly is one of my fav s2 ships, so😭

Anyways, gabellie is canon!!

- Sander, 561 words.

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