Jake & Aiden meet up

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Private chat with Jake and Aiden

Jake: I'm almost there

Aiden: Alright.

Jake's pov:

Aiden and I waved at each other as we walked closer.


we chatted for a bit until Aiden randomly said:
"Let's suprise Tom and James,"

"How?" I asked
"Well, I was thinking about a photoshoot, just us dressing up for fun as a gift for our boyfriends."

"Sure, but how do we even do that?"
"I found some suits." (A/N: Check the end of the chapter for the suit inspo thingy)

He shows me two pretty black suits.

"They're so pretty."
"I know, let's get dressed,"

(timeskip to when they get dressed)

"we look good, now let's take some individual photos, we could also take photos together for our instagrams."

"Sure, sounds good,"

*they take pictures*

"This one is good, I will post it on Instagram. i like these 2 for Tom and James"

"Same, They're so nice"

"Let's pack them, I also found these chocolates we can add"

"ohh, perfect"

I smile as me and Aiden hugged

"You know, I'm glad you're my friend"

"Same Aiden."

"Let's give them to our boyfriends, I'll ask James to meet at cyan camp."

Aidens pov:
*they arrive at cyan camp, James already being there*

"Why did I have to get here"

"cause I have a gift for you"

"oh, what is it"

I hand him over a small box. He opens it.

"You look so good in that photo"

"Thanks" I blush

He kisses me softly as I smile at him.

I see Tom and Jake being all lovey dovey with eachother.

I smile at them, I'm glad they're doing good.

James touches my shoulder "You alright?"
"Yeah, I was just admiring Tom and Jake, I'm so happy me and Ashley got them together"
"I'm proud of you Aiden"
"Same here james"

We share another kiss.


It's like 10:50 pm for me rn and I just finished writing this.

Here's the outfits:

Here's the outfits:Jake:

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I love these suits sm <33

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I love these suits sm <33

Alright have a nice day/night!

- Sander, 347 words

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