Nightmare Nightmarket: What if? (Part 1)

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In Bridlewood at night, the Mane 6 are at the Night Market with Alphabittle as they watch a stallion, Grassy Hills put something in a cauldron and some green mist bursts out of it while they give awed sounds from what they say.

"Cauldrons! Get your cauldrons!" The pony trader, Grassy Hills exclaimed, as he twirled around.

Then, Izzy went to a stand as she twirled a globe around with sparkly eyes, Zipp saw a unicorn, Leaf, levitating three balls while on a unicycle with Rocky, Posey, and an Earth Pony stallion, Ollie North, watching as the group kept walking around the Night Market as Alphabittle, Misty, and Izzy saw a pegasus mare, Strawberry Supreme, walking by with stacks of ice cream as the two latter gave sparkly eyes at the sweets.

Hitch and Sparky are now looking at a silly mirror, which makes their heads huge while Sunny is next to them, "Does my head look big in this?" Hitch asked with an amusing smile while Sunny laughed with tears of laughter coming out, which made Hitch blush in embarrassment while also giving Sunny a loving gaze at seeing her laugh.

Pipp stood in front of the pony juggler, Leaf, with her phone on her selfie stick, "Oh, I loooove the Night Market!" Pipp said to her followers, "Look at all this great content!" Pipp exclaimed.

Alphabittle and Misty are then walking together, "So excited to finally get some quality time together, Misty." Alphabittle said to her daughter, as he smiled at her and she returned the gesture. "Now we can make up for all those foalhood memories we missed, huh?" He asked as he gave Misty a cotton candy.

Misty smiled as she accepted the cotton candy, and then Alphabittle gave her a lollipop, and then a unicorn plushie as he rubbed Misty's mane, which she blushed in embarrassment. "Daaaad!" Misty said embarrassedly since her father is treating her like a baby again, not that she blames him since they were separated for many moons.

Alphabittle gave Misty a warm smile with sparkles in his eyes, feeling joyful to spend more time with his daughter to make up for lost time. His smile fades out as he felt depressed and then he sighed sadly. "I wish that you were gonna be my little baby girl." Alphabittle said, as he went outside and waited for Queen Haven and her dog, Cloudpuff, Grandma Figgy, Sprout Cloverleaf, his mother Phyllis, Comet, and Violet Frost to arrive.

Then the rest of the Mane 6 went up to a glitter stand as Zipp picked up a hat. "Wow!" Zipp exclaimed as she tried on the feathered hat. "Um, will you guys excuse me for a moment?" Zipp asked. "Sure, why not?" Pipp replied. Zipp stepped back away from Hitch and found an empty space, she paused for a moment and started to remember what's gonna happen next. "Hmm." Zipp thought.

" Zipp thought

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The scene rippled, and the flashback begins.

Pipp eyed a familiar pink glitter, which she recognized as she gasped in shock before Izzy appeared between her and Sunny.

Nightmare Nightmarket: What if? (Version 2)Where stories live. Discover now