Nightmare Nightmarket: What if? (Part 8)

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"Wow! So, this is what you guys look like after you drank the baby potion." Posey said.

"Yeah, we sure do." The Baby 6 said.

"Whoa! So, that's what happened to us at Mane Melody." Baby Hitch added.

"I'm still a protector of Equestria." Baby Sunny said.

"I can still unicycle." Baby Izzy said.

"Woo-hoo! I'm still the Sheriff of Maretime Bay, and a Dragon Dad." Baby Hitch said.

"Yeah. (Singing) I'm still a singer." Baby Pipp sang.

"Cool! I'm still a detective and I can still solve mysteries." Baby Zipp said.

"Wow! I'm still my dad's little baby girl." Baby Misty said.

"And the good news is, that I didn't tickle Hitch's nose with my feathered hat." Baby Zipp said.

"What do you say, that we should call it a day and we can start babysitting? How's that sound?" Rocky asked.

"Yeah, that's a great idea." Baby Hitch said, happily.

"Don't worry, we'll be able to do our babysitting duty, and I got my babysitting list." Alphabittle said, as he pulled out his babysitting list.

"Thanks, Dada." Baby Misty said.

"No problem, Misty." Alphabittle said. "And again, thanks for granting my wish, Misty-Wisty. You made my wish come true."

"Thanks, Alphabittle." The Baby 5 said. "Thanks, Dada." Baby Misty said, thankfully.

"So, would you guys like to stay here now that you're little babies while we go get those baby strollers for you guys and go shopping so we can find some baby stuff?" Alphabittle asked.

"Sure." The Baby 6 said.

"And don't get hurt or lost." Queen Haven added.

"Ok, Mama." Baby Pipp and Baby Zipp said.

"Okay! Okay, okay! Nopony move!" Alphabittle ordered the babies.

"You all stay right there!" Queen Haven firmly ordered, the Baby 6, and Sparky looked at them, and they nodded.

They did what they said. The Pippsqueaks, Posey Bloom, Dahlia, Phyllis Cloverleaf, Rocky Riff, Jazz Hooves, Onyx, Dapple, Sprout, Alphabittle, Queen Haven, Cloudpuff, Comet, and Violet Frost went to go get the strollers for the Baby 6.

While their friends are gone, the Baby 6 and Sparky made a perfect plan.

"Guys, we have to stay here so we won't scatter around the Nightmarket, and once they come back with their shopping lists and the strollers, we'll let them know that we can stay as babies forever, and we'll list down what we need to get, and we'll prevent the bad luck." Baby Sunny said.

"Good idea, Sunny." Baby Hitch said.

Nightmare Nightmarket: What if? (Version 2)Where stories live. Discover now