Nightmare Nightmarket: What if? (Part 14)

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A little bit later, at Bridlewood, a portal opened up at the stem of the tree in the Night Market, a portal opened up as Opaline laughed evilly as she stepped out of the portal while wearing her gown and power crown.

"Time's up for you and your pathetic little friends, Sunny Starscout. Bow to—" Opaline called out before she noticed that they weren't around and then gasped when she looked out the window and saw the Marestream flying away back to Maretime Bay. "No! They're getting away! Get back here!" Opaline yelled out in rage since she arrived too late, which got the crowd's attention.

"Ponies of Equestria, I have come to take away your cutie marks!" Opaline shouted. The ponies around them heard this as they screamed and ran out of the market in fear.

Opaline saw the ponies running away as she gave a big evil grin. "Well, Sunny. I'll take you and your friends to my castle including Misty." Opaline said evilly, as she decided to go after Sunny and her friends instead of Onyx (because she left the Nightmarket already) and she's pleased to make the ponies fear her for the first time.

The ponies (Comet, Dahlia, Posey Bloom, Baby Sunny Starscout, Queen Haven, Cloudpuff, the Pippsqueaks, Windy, Rocky Riff, Jazz Hooves, Baby Zipp Storm, Baby Pipp Petals, Violet Frost, Onyx, Dapple a.k.a. Bongo Beats, Baby Izzy Moonbow, Alphabittle, Baby Misty Brightdawn, Grandma Figgy, Sprout Cloverleaf, Phyllis Cloverleaf, Baby Hitch Trailblazer, and Sparky Sparkeroni) are in the Marestream in the sky after they left the Night Market until they have to go back home at Maretime Bay for safety, while Alphabittle is piloting the Marestream.

"So, uh, Dada?" Baby Misty asked.

"Yes, Misty?" Alphabittle asked.

"Did we get the magic fountain of youth glitter?" Baby Misty asked again.

"Sure, we got it safe in the shelf." Alphabittle replied, as he pointed at the shelf where the magic fountain of youth glitter was placed in.

"I think there's something we want to tell you too, Alphabittle." Baby Hitch said.

"What's that, Hitch?" Alphabittle asked.

"I think Opaline is about to take away your cutie marks." Baby Hitch warned.

"Are you sure?" Queen Haven asked.

"Yes, she was trying to get revenge on me and my friends, and Misty too." Baby Sunny explained.

"Of course! So, that's why you saved us." Alphabittle said, as he remembered.

"Now, it all makes perfect sense! She must be the one who entered into Maretime Bay, and she stole my cutie mark, during Nightmare Night!" Posey explained, as she showed her friends her blank flank, the ponies, the Baby mane 6, and Sparky Sparkeroni gasped in shock.

"Don't worry, Posey. I have an idea." Baby Misty said, as she used her magic.

At Opaline's castle, Posey Bloom's cutie mark floats out of the leaf and went through the castle window.

Posey's cutie mark floats right up to the Marestream and it went back into Posey's flank.

"Yay, I got my cutie mark back!" Posey said, happily. "Thanks, Misty."

"You're very welcome, Posey." Baby Misty said.

"Is everybody ready to sing a song about going home?" Violet asked.

"Yeah!" The Baby Mane 6 said.

"Ok, here we go." Comet said, as they played "Going Home" by The Wiggles.

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