Nightmare Nightmarket: What if? (Part 15)

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After they got back, Comet, Dahlia, Posey Bloom, Queen Haven, Cloudpuff, the Pippsqueaks, Windy, Rocky Riff, Jazz Hooves, Violet Frost, Onyx, Dapple a.k.a. Bongo Beats, Alphabittle, Grandma Figgy, Sprout Cloverleaf, Phyllis Cloverleaf,  Baby Sunny Starscout, Baby Izzy Moonbow, Baby Hitch Trailblazer, Sparky Sparkeroni, Baby Pipp Petals, Baby Zipp Storm, and Baby Misty Brightdawn are walking to the Brighthouse while Queen Haven and Alphabittle are pushing the strollers to the Crystal Brighthouse and they got inside.

"It looks ok." Alphabittle said, while picking up Baby Misty.

"(Sniffs the air) (sighs) It's great to be home." Posey said, happily.

"You did it, Alphie! You got us home!" Queen Haven said, excitedly.

"Thanks for getting us home, Dada." Baby Misty thanked.

"You're very welcome, my little baby girl." Alphabittle replied.

They hung up their stuff in the shopping bag in their room, and placed the feathered hat on the hanger in their room also.

The Baby Mane 5, Sparky, and Baby Misty's eyes grew heavy and they yawned, stretched, and they rubbed their eyes. They started to feel tired.

"You feel sleepy?" Alphabittle asked.

"Yeah. I think we're ready to get some sleep." Baby Sunny said, tiredly.

"Yeah, let's get you guys cleaned up." Rocky said, as he picked up the Baby Mane 6, and Sparky and he brought them into the bathroom and placed them into the bathtub and washed them, scrubbed them, rinsed them, and they all clean and he picked them up and dried them up.

Comet, Dahlia, Posey Bloom, Queen Haven, Cloudpuff, the Pippsqueaks, Windy, Rocky Riff, Jazz Hooves, Violet Frost, Onyx, Dapple a.k.a. Bongo Beats, Alphabittle, Grandma Figgy, Sprout Cloverleaf, and Phyllis Cloverleaf created 2 baby cribs for the Baby Mane 5, and Baby Misty. Queen Haven placed the Baby Mane 5 in the first crib, and Alphabittle placed his little baby girl and Sparky in the second crib.

"How about we should give the babies a lullaby?" Queen Haven asked. "Yeah, that's a great idea." Alphabittle replied, as he gave his little baby girl a good night kiss and he played Brahms' lullaby for Baby Misty on the radio.

Baby Misty heard the music on the radio and her eyes grew heavy and she rubbed her eyes and yawned and went to sleep. Alphabittle tucked her in with her blanket and he gave her Madame Taffytail from Opaline's castle and Sparky slept next to Baby Misty. "Good night, my little baby girl. I'll see you in the morning." Alphabittle said softly, as he gave her another good night kiss, and he went upstairs to the bedroom and he went to bed and he went to sleep.

Queen Haven walked up to the Baby Mane 5 and she sang a lullaby.

Queen Haven (Sings):
Hush now, my babies
Be still love, don't cry
Sleep as you're rocked by the stream

The Baby Mane 5 liked and heard Queen Haven's lullaby.

Queen Haven (Sings):
Sleep and remember my last lullaby
So I'll be with you when you dream

The Baby Mane 5 rubbed their eyes and yawned and went to sleep. Queen Haven tucked them in with their blanket. "Good night, my little ponies, and my little sweet darling angels." Queen Haven said, softly.

Comet, Dahlia, Posey Bloom, Queen Haven, Cloudpuff, the Pippsqueaks, Windy, Rocky Riff, Jazz Hooves, Violet Frost, Onyx, Dapple a.k.a. Bongo Beats, Alphabittle, Grandma Figgy, Sprout Cloverleaf, and Phyllis Cloverleaf went upstairs to the bedroom and went to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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