Nightmare Nightmarket: What if? (Part 3)

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Pipp gave her phone to the Pippsqueaks and Seashell pressed the record button on her phone and started the video, and Pipp went back to the others. The ponies are excited to watch them turn into babies. The Mane 6 are ready to drink the fountain of youth to show them what happens after they drank it. "I'll go first." Sunny said. "Ok, Sunny, drink it." Hitch said. "But, first. We need to test it on Sparky." Sunny said. Zipp created an extra fountain of youth drink for Sparky, and Sparky drank the fountain of youth cup and then he burped.

Sparky felt like that nothing happened to him because he's already a baby. "Huh, nothing happened." Zipp said. "So, Sparky, how does it taste? Do you like it?" Hitch asked. Sparky nodded and smiled and he liked it, because it tasted like grape soda. Hitch picked up Sparky. "Here, Grandma Figgy. Take care of Sparky for me." Hitch said, as he gave him to his grandmother. "Ok, dear. I will." Grandma Figgy agreed. "Ok, Sunny. Now, you're ready." Hitch said. "Well, bottoms up." Sunny said, as she drank the whole cup, and then she burped.

Then she placed down her cup on the table and got ready for her changes for her childhood to come back. Suddenly, her stomach started growling and grumbling. "Here goes." Sunny said.

(Start at 0:54)

Sunny Starscout started shrinking and gets younger at the same time and her adult teeth fell out of her mouth and her one baby tooth remains, and her cutie mark disappeared on her flank. Izzy Moonbow, Hitch Trailblazer, Sparky Sparkeroni, Pipp Petals, Zipp Storm, and Misty Brightdawn watched in amazement and excitement. The other ponies watched with the same reaction also. Sunny Starscout's age regression stopped.

 Sunny Starscout's age regression stopped

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Sunny Starscout is now a little baby, just like Sparky Sparkeroni

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Sunny Starscout is now a little baby, just like Sparky Sparkeroni. "Did it work?" Alphabittle asked.

(These videos of those sound effects are for Baby Sunny Starscout in the pictures above) (Choose the picture that you like the best)

Her voice became very high-pitched, and Baby Sunny Starscout starts cooing. Baby Sunny Starscout started to wake up. "Guys, look. She's waking up." Hitch said, as they looked down at Baby Sunny. Baby Sunny rubbed her eyes, stretched and yawned. She opened her eyes and looked around the Nightmarket and saw that everything's huge/gigantic/humongous/big/giant/enormous/large including her friends. "(High-pitched voice) Wow! Everything at the Nightmarket looks bigger than I thought!" Baby Sunny said with a lisp, as she covered her mouth and noticed that her voice was so high, then she looked at her giant friends. "Um, how did you guys get so big?" Baby Sunny asked. "Um, Sunny, you might want to see for yourself." Alphabittle said, as Baby Sunny turned around and saw herself in the mirror. "Yay! I'm a baby again!" Baby Sunny cheered, while clapping her hooves happily. "Dada would be very proud." Baby Sunny said with excitement, as she sucked her hoof. "He sure would, Sunny." Comet said, as he walked up to her and picked up Baby Sunny and placed her on his back, and he collected all her teeth and placed them in the tooth container and he went back to his chair with the other ponies. Baby Sunny giggled because she liked piggy back rides with Comet.

Nightmare Nightmarket: What if? (Version 2)Where stories live. Discover now