Nightmare Nightmarket: What if? (Part 9)

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After the ponies got 2 shopping bags in the Marestream and got 6 baby strollers for the Baby Mane 6, they noticed that the Baby Mane 6, and Sparky are still here.

"Phew, they're safe." Queen Haven said in relief.

"So, what are your thoughts?" Rocky asked.

"Well, we thought we could stay as babies forever, if that's okay with you guys." Baby Pipp said.

"Sure, Pipp! That's a good idea." Peach Fizz said.

"Is it ok if we can start shopping around the Nightmarket so we can buy some baby stuff for you guys?" Alphabittle asked.

"Sure, can you guys pick us up one at a time and put us in 6 separate strollers?" Baby Sunny asked, as she got her arms up ready to be picked up, and her friends did the same thing.

"Sure." Comet said, as the others picked them up and placed them in 6 separate strollers.

1. Comet placed Baby Sunny Starscout in the apricot-orange stroller.
2. Violet Frost placed Baby Izzy Moonbow in the lavender stroller.
3. Sprout placed Baby Hitch Trailblazer and Sparky Sparkeroni in the light amber and green stroller.
4. Queen Haven placed Baby Pipp Petals and Baby Zipp Storm in the light pink and white stroller.
5. Alphabittle placed Baby Misty Brightdawn in the sky-blue stroller.

The Baby Mane 6 and Sparky are snuggled in with their blankets in their strollers.

"Is everypony ready?" Posey asked.

"Yeah, we're all set." Baby Misty said.

"So, what do you need?" Queen Haven asked, as she pulled out her shopping list.

"We'll need some baby food, pacifiers, baby bottles, baby rattles, baby toys, 7 diapers, and the Baby Einstein DVD collection." Baby Sunny suggested, as Queen Haven wrote down everything on the list.

"And I'll get a hat that is like Robin Hood." Baby Misty also suggested, as Queen Haven wrote down the final grocery order on the list.

"Alright then, that's everything. Let's go." Comet said.

The Baby Mane 6, Sparky, and the other ponies started shopping at the Nightmarket in order to find some baby stuff in different paths:

1. Comet, Dahlia, Posey Bloom, and Baby Sunny Starscout went to the 1st path.
2. Queen Haven, Cloudpuff, the Pippsqueaks, Windy, Rocky Riff, Jazz Hooves, Baby Zipp Storm, and Baby Pipp Petals went to the 2nd path.
3. Violet Frost, Onyx, Dapple a.k.a. Bongo Beats, and Baby Izzy Moonbow went to the 3rd path.
4. Alphabittle, and Baby Misty Brightdawn went to the 4th path.
5. Grandma Figgy, Sprout Cloverleaf, Phyllis Cloverleaf, Baby Hitch Trailblazer, and Sparky Sparkeroni went to the 5th path.

Posey Bloom, Dahlia, Comet, and Baby Sunny Starscout are shopping together at the Nightmarket, in order to search for baby food.

Comet: (auto tuned voice) Baby, (Baby Sunny Starscout: Ooo!)
Posey Bloom: (auto-tuned voice) I know what you need, (Baby Sunny Starscout: What's that?)
Dahlia: (auto-tuned voice) You want your little baby socks...
for your little baby feet. (Baby Sunny Starscout: Woooo.)
Comet: (auto-tuned voice) Baby, (Baby Sunny Starscout: Yeah?)
Posey Bloom: (auto-tuned voice) I know what you crave, (Baby Sunny Starscout: Oh yeah? What's that?)
Dahlia: (auto-tuned voice) You want to poop your pants all day long,
well baby behave!

Nightmare Nightmarket: What if? (Version 2)Where stories live. Discover now