Nightmare Nightmarket: What if? (Part 4)

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"Yay! It worked! Ok, my turn

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"Yay! It worked! Ok, my turn." Izzy said, as she drank the whole cup, and then she burped.

Then she placed down her cup on the table next to the empty cup and got ready for her changes. Suddenly, her stomach started growling and grumbling too. "Here we go." Izzy said.

(Start at 0:54)

Izzy Moonbow started shrinking and gets younger at the same time, her adult teeth fell out of her mouth and her one baby tooth remains, and her cutie mark disappeared on her flank. Baby Sunny Starscout, Hitch Trailblazer, Sparky Sparkeroni, Pipp Petals, Zipp Storm, Misty Brightdawn and the other ponies watched in amazement and excitement. Izzy Moonbow's age regression stopped.

 Izzy Moonbow's age regression stopped

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Izzy Moonbow is now a little baby too, just like Baby Sunny Starscout, and Sparky Sparkeroni

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Izzy Moonbow is now a little baby too, just like Baby Sunny Starscout, and Sparky Sparkeroni. "Did it work?" Baby Sunny asked.

(These videos of those sound effects are for Baby Izzy Moonbow in the pictures above) (Choose the picture that you like the best)

Her voice became very high-pitched, and Baby Izzy Moonbow started cooing. She saw herself in the mirror. "(High-pitched voice) It worked! Woo-hoo!" Baby Izzy cheered with a lisp. "It sure did, Izzy." Violet Frost said, as she walked up to her, picked up Baby Izzy, and placed her on her back, picked up the rest of her teeth and placed them in the tooth container, and went back to her chair with the others. Baby Izzy squealed excitedly because she loved piggy back rides with Violet Frost too.

Nightmare Nightmarket: What if? (Version 2)Where stories live. Discover now