Days in the Sun (Fluff/Mature)

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For the next several days Loki and Kate spent time on the beach, took midnight strolls by the moon light, and evening swims. Their time together made Loki's desire to stay stronger. He longed for the times that he could feel free with Kate. To live the life he had always wanted since he came to Midgard. He was grateful that Thor had minded his own business and given him the freedom for these kind of days with Kate. At dinner the evening before they were due to leave, he wanted to bring up staying to Kate once again. Not knowing exactly how to do it, he started with, "Darling, our time here together has been more than I could've ever dreamed it would be, I don't recall a single time in all the millenniums of my life that I have felt the way I have felt while we've been here". "My love, it has been wonderful, I've never seen the side of you that I've seen since we got married", she started. "I love this part of you", she said smiling. She knew that Loki needed to talk about this and she would give him the time and space to do it. "Darling, I still feel the same way about our staying, please stay, please let me be myself", he begged. "I've wanted to show you who I really since we met, I've just never had the space to do that", he said with a soft smile and sad look in his eyes.

Laying her hand on his, "Loki, I promise that I will give this some serious thought, but we need to go back home, for now. If we are going to do this, I have to take care of a few things before that can happen. We also need to talk to Thor about this. I was there in Asgard the day Odin bellowed the order to Thor that if you got away from him again it would mean the dungeon for you. I can't lose you, not now, not ever", she told him, with pleading eyes and a gentle squeeze of his hand. "I understand Darling, I just wanted to talk with you about this some more", he told her, seeing the soft pleading in her eyes, he placed her knuckles against his soft lips and gave them a gentle kiss.

After dinner they went back to their room and prepared for bed. "Kate, love, what do you want to do with our last day here tomorrow", he asked. "I don't know what have we not done yet", she asked. "Well, we haven't been out on one of the sail boat rides yet", he said. "That's right, let's do that tomorrow, I love being on the water and I've never done that before", she said, with a giddy smile on her face. "Then it's done, that's how we will spend our last day in paradise". Crawling in bed, Loki did what he always had done since they started spending nights together, he wrapped his arm around Kate's waist. She reached up to kiss him good night, when he began to kiss her passionately. "My darling, I want to make love to you one last time before we leave the most wonderful place I've ever been to". Before Kate could say anything, his mouth had captured hers. He kissed her, the way he did the first time they made love. She loved him, more and more everyday.

He gently rolled her onto her back, there was no need to remove their clothes, they had been sleeping naked since the night that they got married. Down her cheek into the soft space where her neck and shoulder met. His kisses set Kate on fire. She could feel the ache that started in her lower belly, for him, become stronger with every gentle kiss and touch of his hand. He moved south, capturing her bare breast in his mouth, teasing her nipple with the edge of his teeth. Kate ran her hand down the smooth muscles over his chest and then his stomach to find the warmth of his length with her hand. This caused Loki to release a soft groan. He kissed her again, with more intention than his last kiss. "I love you Kate", he said breathlessly. "My love, I love you too", she whispered.

Running his hand down her belly, his finger found her soft folds. Her wetness caused his length to tingle. Every part of him was alive and starving for her touch. She spread her legs and his finger slipped inside them and he began making soft circles. Kate pulled away from his mouth and arched her back as a feeling of electricity shot through every part of her, she released a soft groan, almost begging him not to stop. His circles became larger as his finger found the space between her legs that he called, home. He began to kiss her lower belly, down, down, until he found the warmth of her inner thighs with his lips....then he stopped. "What are you doing", she asked with a pouting expression on her face...trying not to giggle. "This right here", he said. Moving, until his entire form was on the bed between her legs. Taking her ankles and placing them over his shoulders he began taking turns kissing one, then the other, ankle, inner knee, inner thigh, until he reached her folds again. He ran his thumb down between them and felt her wetness. Again making soft circles. Kate was on fire. When his fingers made their entrance, Kate sucked in a breathe, writhing under his touch. "Please don't stop", she begged. Feeling her climax draw closer, she knew it wouldn't be long before it was there. Back and forth, his finger slid in and out of her as his tongue flicked across her clit. Kate grabbed the sheets beside her with both hands. With soft motions her body met his face, and each time his tongue lapped up her wetness. "Please, she begged, I'm, I'm, going to....soft cries found their way from her throat into the air as over and over waves of pleasure rocked her body. "Good girl", he said with a sly grin on his face.

He laid down next to her as she caught her breath. "Taste", he said, slipping his finger into her mouth, "I want to share your sweetness with you". Kate began sucking his finger gently. "Mmmmm", she hummed. "So this is why you make all of those weird noises when you're down there", she said, laughing. "Weird noises", he said, he began to tickle her, and she giggled. "Ok, ok, not weird", she said, hands in the air as if to say, "I give up". When he stopped tickling her, she reached up to kiss him..burying her fingers in his long, black locks. Rolling him onto his back she crawled on top. "Hmm, now you're at my mercy, what should I do with you", she said, half laughing. "Well, darling, I personally can think of things I would like for you to do to me", he said with his signature devilish grin on his face. "Come here, closer, I will tell you". Kate leaned down as Loki began to whisper into her ear. "Oh that...and that...and that too, huh", she said, grinning out of his sight. When he was done, she sat back up with a broad smile on her face. "What does that smile mean", he asked her. "Let me show you", she said, leaning down and kissing him. He could feel the warmth of her breath on his face, but she said nothing. Looking at him with lust filled eyes, she kissed his cheek and down the side of his neck, nipping it with her teeth. Raising her body slightly, she slid herself down onto the hardness of his length causing Loki to release a throaty groan. How could any place feel as full of love as she does, he briefly thought to himself.

Reaching down, she pinned his wrist to the bed above his head and then she began to rock...back and forth. Her hair fell over her shoulder and it tickled his cheek. Throaty growls escaped his mouth as she quickened her pace...slowly...deliberately. He closed his his body absorbed the feel of her skin against his. Never had he felt so in tune with another person the way he did Kate. She was so much more than just his wife, she was his twin flame. And now she was the lover he had always dreamed that someday he would least he had hoped to find. With her every movement his length began to throb. When he could no longer stand not touching her, he quickly flipped her over onto the bed, their skin never losing contact. Quickly, his movements resumed where hers left off. Until they were both panting and in one unified breath their bodies trembled as pleasure washed over both of them. "I love you Kate", he said trying to take in enough air to ease the aching he felt down in his lungs. "I love you too Baby". Lying down next to her, he wrapped his arm around her and they watched the moon light dancing across the glassy ocean.

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