Long Journey Home

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Later in the evening Loki and Kate boarded their flight for the long plane ride back to Greenwich. Loki had been unusually quiet since they left the island. "Penny for your thoughts", she said. Looking at her with a soft smile, "Oh, nothing, love" he said, but Kate knew otherwise. "Are you sad", she asked, reaching over and taking his hand in hers and giving it a gentle squeeze. "I am here with you, why would I ever be sad", he said, placing her knuckles against his lips and giving them a sweet kiss. "I love you Kate", he told her. "I love you too Babe".

"So what happens now", he asked. "Do we go back to my confined life again", he said. As his rage started to stir. He loved his brother, but he hated living in close proximity to him. "We won't go back to that because you will live in my house, I mean OUR house from now on", she told him. "Loki, I know this is not what you wanted, but you have to be patient and trust me", she told. "You're right love, it's not, but I will do as you asked", he told her. When they arrived at the airport, they were greeted by Kate's grandparents. "We have missed you both so much", John said. "Welcome home", Grace said. Kate ran to hug them both with Loki close behind her. "I know I told you this the night you got married, Loki, but we are so glad to have you as a part of our family", Grace told him. They loved Loki because he loved their Kate, he was good to her and good for her. They never thought that Kate would ever marry because, as she told them many times, "I'm only doing this one time so I'm not marrying just anyone". Kate was happy, happier than they had ever seen her. However, Loki was also happier than he had ever been, he had married the one woman he thought he'd likely never find.

"Where too from here kiddo", John asked. "Home Grandad, we are both exhausted from our long flight", she told John. "Home it is Katie", John said, hugging Kate the way he had done since she was a little girl. They loaded their luggage into the back of John's truck and drove back to Kate and Loki's house. Arriving they they helped unload their luggage and left them to get settled and rest. Standing in the doorway of the kitchen, he watched her as she rifled through the mountain of mail lying on the island in the kitchen. "Kate, love, care to join me for a relaxing bath", he asked her. Looking up to see his shirtless, sun-kissed chest, and to think that all of that is all mine, she thought to herself. "Mmmm, that would be wonderful, my love", she told him, turning her attention back to the stack of mail in front of her. Loki disappeared upstairs to run a bath for them. After lighting candles and adding scented oils to the water he found Kate still standing in the kitchen looking through the mail. Walking up behind her he slid his arms around her waist, kissing her neck. "Darling, are you ready", he said in a low velvet tone. "Yes, very much", she said, turning to face him, he swept her up in his arms and headed upstairs. "How sweet, you lit candles and the scent of the water smells divine", she told him as he set her down on the floor in front of him. Slowly, he undressed her, then himself. Each of them stepped into the tub, he sat down first and then she joined him. Taking the loofah he gently began to wash her back. "Oh my god, that feels so good", she said, closing her eyes and taking in the warmth of the water and his slow caresses of the loofah over her skin.

"Are you glad to be home", she asked. "Yes and no, I'm glad to be in this nice bath with you, but I'm not glad to be back in Greenwich", he told her. She felt his sadness, but knew that it was too soon to fix anything for him. She would start working on this tomorrow when she talked to Thor. This has to be fixable she thought to herself. He just needs to trust me and hope that she would do everything in her power to make this better for him. "I promise, I am going to work on this", she told him, praying this eased his mind.

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