The Island

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Later in the afternoon Loki and Kate boarded the plane taking them to their new home. Loki was so excited to know that his life was finally his own and that he and Kate could live where he felt most at home, the island where it all began. "Kate, love, you've hardly said a thing since we boarded the plane", he told her seeing a look on her face that was unfamiliar to him. "I just miss my grandparents". "Loki, I've never lived far away from them", she told him, her voice cracking as the words left her mouth. He reached over and put his arm around her shoulder pulling her closer to him and kissing her forehead. He felt responsible for her unhappiness, but hoped that once they reached the island that she would once again be as happy as he was about returning. "Love, call them as often as you like, everyday if that would make you happy", he said hoping that would soothe her pain about this big move. "I know I can, but it's not the same as seeing them", she said. She knew that this move had been one of the most important things in Loki's life. It wasn't just a move, it was freedom. He was finally free to live his life his own way. She wanted this for him, she wanted to see that same Loki that she saw when they were previously on the island. "I will be ok, it's just strange to know I won't be living 2 miles from them for the first time in my life". The plane finally left the runway taking them on the biggest adventure they had ever been on. A few hours later the plane landed in their new home and with luggage in hand they hailed a taxi and headed back to the hotel they had stayed at a week ago. Kate began to smile, "Mmmm, smell that salty air, that's one of the best smells ever". "Yes, love, I agree, and I just hear that hammock where I read you poetry calling my name", he told her. They had not spent much time in that hammock and he was ready to get back to it with Kate and read her more poetry. "New life, here we come", said Kate. Loki smiled the biggest smile, "Free life here I come", he said. He couldn't begin to describe his feelings to Kate, she would have no idea what it felt like to be, basically caged, for years. To not have the freedom to go where you wanted, when you wanted, without someone watching your every move. Or to be banned from the place that she had grown up in. He realized that he brought this on himself, but that made it no easier to live with.

Checking into the hotel Kate saw her friend Evan. "Evan", she called out to him. "Kate, how are you", he asked. "Loki, so good to see you again, just couldn't stay away from this gorgeous place I see", he said, confused to see them back so soon. "Well, we are moving here to live", she said see a very surprised expression on his face. "Moving here to live", he asked to make sure he heard her correctly. "Yes, I know that might be shocking, but we both love it here and the temps and the vibe are so much better than Greenwich", Loki told Evan. Loki had waited to long for this to care what any outsider thought about their plans. "So, we are gong to retire to our room to rest up from the moving and the flight" Loki said. Seeing a strange look on Evan's face. "Sure, sure, Kate, Loki, enjoy your stay here it was so good to see you", Evan said, leaving them to take care of other guests who were checking into the hotel.

Kate and Loki arrived at the same suite they had stayed in their honeymoon. "What are the odd's that this would be available a week later", Kate said out loud. "It's as if the Gods already knew that we'd be coming back so soon", Loki replied. But he already knew it would be available as he had taken the liberty to use a little magic to make sure it would be. He wanted to continue creating memories and a life with Kate in the very place that it all started. He wanted to spend more time playing in the sun and reading his beloved poetry. He wanted Kate to see all of him, the Loki he had always been deep inside that no one ever saw, not even his own mother. "Let's get unpacked and go for a stroll on the beach before dinner", she said. She would be hard pressed to admit that she loved it here as much as he did. But deep inside she also missed John and Grace. "Sure my love, I think that would be wonderful", he replied. He would make this stroll extra special, it was nothing a little magic couldn't take care of. He just had to be careful to disguise it.

Walking along the beach Kate stopped and looked at Loki. "My love, I am so glad that we are here and I want this to be the best thing that we've ever done together", said Kate. "My darling, this WILL BE the best thing we've ever done", he assured her. All of a sudden small orbs of light started floating in the sky. "Loki, I know this is you", she said becoming angry that he did the one thing that they agreed he wouldn't do. "My darling, this is just a small display of my powers and it's meant to be a romantic thing". "But if you're unhappy I can make them disappear", he said making the orbs of light disappear. He didn't want to disguise anything. He didn't want to start their marriage or this move with lies. That's one of the things he had always been known for, and he wanted her to see that he'd changed, that her visit to see Odin wasn't a waste of her time. "My love, I don't want you to think that I am the same Loki that I used to be, I am a changed man, I owe you and your love an enormous debt of gratitude". "Loki, I want you to be that changed man that I know you to be", she replied. "However, using your magic concerns me that you might fall back into the ways that caused your banishment to begin with", she told him. She knew it was hard for him to not use something that was a part of him. "I understand darling, I won't use it again without speaking with you about it first", he reassured her. This will be a challenge, he thought to himself, there was so many things that he wanted to share with her that required his magic.

They continued to walk, talking and laughing about their last time on the island. When they turned to come back, the moon was high in the sky shining like a beacon leading their way back to the hotel for dinner. After eating their meal they walked hand and hand to the elevator. Boarding it, they were alone, Loki pressed her against the wall and kissed her passionately. "I've often wondered what it would be like to make love in one of these", he said to her in that velvet tone that set her on fire. "Since when have you become an exhibitionist", she asked. "Because you do know that there are cameras in here", she said laughing at the face that he made when she told him that. "I guess that can just be something that I will always wonder about", he told her, blushing at the idea that they would be watched and probably banned from the hotel. "Babe, it's a good idea and one I would gladly take you up on if we had some real privacy", she replied. Hugging him to so he wouldn't feel so embarrassed. "Kate, love, you know I could use a little magic so they wouldn't see a thing", he said into her hair. It tickled his nose, but that didn't matter. He loved Kate's scent. It smelled like the flowers that she grew at their home during the Spring. It was the best thing he'd ever smelled. He inhaled deep to take it into his nostrils and briefly held his breath to hold onto it. "Loki, remember, no magic", she said softly. "Not even a little bit so we can have some fun", he whispered into her ear. "Not here, not now", she whispered back. She didn't say never, he thought to himself. Maybe the notion of him using his magic for good things was starting to soften.

When they arrived at their room, neither of them could get inside quick enough. They were both exhausted and a warm bath along with a good nights rest would do them both some good. Kate removed her clothes and he just stared at the perfect being standing, naked, in front of him. How could anyone ever be so perfect. Her long brown hair, those crystal blue eyes and her perfect curves. She was a Goddess to him and she was all his. "Join me for a bath", she asked as she turned and walked towards the bathroom. "I'm on my way", he replied. What is it about that voice of his that always turned her on and how did he know the perfect moment to use it on her, she thought to herself. She ran a warm bath and they each climbed in. As she sat between his legs in front of him, he began to wash her hair. Slowly her exhaustion started to fade and her body relaxed. When he was finished she bathed him, as the warm water hit his skin he released soft moans. "My love, this feels almost like heaven. Before I met you I don't recall the last time anyone bathed me", he told her. "It doesn't matter, all that matters is you and I and these moments in time". Finishing their bath they crawled into bed and he wrapped his arm around her waist, they peacefully drifted off to sleep.

Love Affair That Lasts Forever - Volume 2 Where stories live. Discover now