Moving (Mature/ Fluff)

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The next day Kate and Loki decided to spend it together, alone. Kate had resigned from her teaching position so they could focus on the big move. She had totally rearranged her life for this man and she really hoped that he appreciated all of her hard work. Kate decided to keep her house for the times when they wanted to come back to visit her grandparents. She couldn't imagine never seeing them again. Thor had decided to split his time between Asgard and Midgard since his presence in Loki's life was no longer needed. Loki was relieved to finally have a life of his own to share it with the woman that he loved more than anything else in all the 9 realms. Kate on the other hand worried at times. She worried that Loki would find someway to use his magic for the wrong things or in the wrong way. She didn't know how to deal with this, but she planned to talk to Loki about it. She was still scared he would read her thoughts, even though he promised to never do that ever again, especially the times when she was quiet.

"Loki, I want to talk with you about something because I want there to always be open communication between us", she told him, setting down in the chaise lounge next to him. "Ok, love, what's on your mind", he said, seeing the concern on her face gave him great pause. "Now that Odin has basically placed you in my hands", she started. "Yes, and they are beautiful hands", he said, placing her knuckles against his lips and kissing them gently. "As I was saying, now that you are mine to look after we need to set a boundary with something". "No magic, and no reading my thoughts no matter how badly you want to do both ", she said. "Hmmm, no magic, is there a particular reason why"? he asked. "Yes, because I don't want you to fall back into your old ways, the ones that got you removed from your home", she told him, hoping he would see that he just needed to stay the course and continue to move forward now that he had his own life to live. "I understand your concern, but I promise you that I have changed because of you. You are the most important thing in my life and no matter what I will do what it takes to keep you happy, to love you and to work with you every day as the partner and husband that you deserve. If you prefer that I don't use my magic, trust me when I tell you that I won't", he told her. "I love you Loki, and I thank you for working with me on this", she said reaching out to kiss him. However, he knew that there would be times when his magic would be needed and he hoped that she would understand.

"Now let's discuss this major move", she said, happy that he was happy. "I'm excited to be free to do this", he told her, his face beaming with sheer joy. "I think I will just leave my house as it is and we can stay in a hotel until we find a place to live", Kate told him. "I think that is a marvelous idea, love" he replied. Grabbing her and pulling her onto the chaise that he was sitting on. "I love you Kate", he said to her, kissing her forehead. "I know you have moved the heavens and the earth for me and I will forever be in your debt". "I want you to be happy and I know that now you are", she told him. "WE made this happen, not just me. But thank you for the acknowledgement", she told him.

"I don't even know what to begin to pack. All of our clothes, our things in the bathroom, shoes", she said. "If I need anything else I can send my grandparents over to get it and have it sent to us, she thought to herself. "Don't fret, we will get all of the things that we need there", he told her, giving her a soft kiss on her forehead. "This is the part you leave to me, I know what to do," he told her with a sly grin on her face. "Loki, why do I feel like magic is going to be used to get this there", she told him. Loki smiled and turned to walk upstairs, with Kate right on his heels. "Loki, you promised no magic", she told him, almost irritated that he would even consider using it after the conversation that they had earlier. "Kate, we have to get this stuff there and we do not have another option to do so. It won't happen until after we get there and get a place of our own. For now let's just pack enough stuff to have for a couple of weeks", he told her. "Look at it as a holiday we are going on"' he said, trying to reassure her. "Fine Loki, I'll do as you ask, but this magic needs to be limited, please. I don't want it to become something you use all the time. Remember that got you in trouble to begin with", she told him, worried that everything that she and Thor had done to get his ban partially removed would be for nothing.

The next morning she got up and got online to make their ticket reservations, along with the hotel as well. Everything was set for the move, they would be leaving in 2 days. "Love, thank you for making this happen", he told her "I don't know how you did it so seamlessly, but you did", he said. "I've done this because I love you". She told him. 2 days came fast, but not so fast that Loki couldn't show Kate his love, over and over one night. He made love to her until the wee morning hours the night before they left. What an incredible husband and lover I have she thought to herself. She awoke later that morning to the smell of fresh cinnamon rolls...Loki had baked her favorite breakfast. "Mmmmm, something smells good", she said walking into the kitchen. "Good Morning Darling", he said, walking over to where she was standing to kiss her. "Morning Babe, thank you for doing this". "This will be our last meal in this house for quite some time, thank you for making my favorite", she said, kissing him again. The first bite of the cinnamon roll was like heaven to her. "Mmmm", she said, this tastes like heaven. "I love you so much for doing this, I know I've already told you that, but after tasting this, I'm telling you again". "I had no idea that you even knew how to bake", she told him, enjoying another bite of the sticky sweet roll. "Love while you eat, I'm going to get dressed", he told her. "If you care to join me in the shower, I will wait for you", he whispered into her ear. Why does he have to always turn me on with that smooth, velvet voice, she thought to herself. He could ask her for anything and she would move heaven and earth to make it happen for him.

Later that morning she joined him in the shower. "Care for a repeat of last night", he asked, with that sly grin that he was so famous for. "How can I ever tell you, No" she replied, kissing him. He gently pressed her against the wall of the shower, once again kneeling to worship the woman, that in his mind wasn't just a Princess, she was his Queen. He lifted her leg and placed it over his shoulder, kissing her knee and up her inner thigh. Kate let go of a soft moan, which always drove him wild. "How do you always know how to drive me crazy"she asked with a light chuckle. "Because love I've taken the time to learn all of the things that you love", he told her. With the pad of his thumb, he reached between her stretched out legs and placed it between her folds, gently rubbing circles on her clit. Kate arched her back in response. She knew that the longer he did this the weaker her legs felt and that soon enough he would have to do what he'd always done, lift her up and allow her to wrap her legs around his waist. She loved this, she loved every single way he chose to make love to her. She loved that he loved her enough to pay attention to her responses to everything he did to her to become the lover that she desired. Soon she felt a long digit find its home inside of her, gently pushing in and out while his tongue lapped up her sweetness. He loved this, he loved the very taste of her. Often he would share it with her. By giving her a finger to suck or letting her taste it when he kissed her. And there were times her mouth would be full of his length and taste him. They were perfect for each other in every way. She was lost in oblivion when he stood and picked her up. Instinctively she wrapped her legs around his waist, and felt him slowly slide inside of her. This time he was gentle. He wanted this to last as long as possible since this was the last time they would make love in this shower. In and out, gently picking up the pace until there was a perfect rhythm to his movement. He made a low growl in his throat. "My darling, you feel wonderful", he told her nearly breathless. "Mmmm", is all she could say as she felt the familiar tightness in her lower belly. "Faster", she begged. With this he increased the pace until Kate could no longer hold back and her orgasm took over. Feeling her tighten around his length brought his as well. Together their bodies shuttered in pure ecstasy. He kissed her passionately, knowing that he intended to plant a seed that would someday grow into something that would forever bond them.

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