New Life (Explicit)

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As Loki had told Kate, a celebration lasted for 2 straight days. By the end of the second day, Kate was exhausted. In the nursery, she found Erik sound asleep. She stood beside his bed watching him. How can anything be so beautiful and how could she have a heart full of unconditional love for him. She would protect him with her very life. Loki entered the room. "I've been looking for you", he told her. "I should've started here first ". "I'm just checking on him", she replied. "I'm so thankful we have a nanny here to help with him", she told him. "Yes, I am as well, she is wonderful with him", he replied. He turned and looked at her, "I would like to spend some time with my wife....alone....tonight", he told her with his signature mischievous grin and his velvet voice. He knew how it turned Kate on and he used it whenever he wanted her to give in to him. "I know what you're doing", she replied with a giggle. "What am I doing", he asked her.

"You are using that velvet voice that you know drives me crazy, as a weapon", she replied, with a sly smile on her face. He moved in closer. Putting his arms around her and nuzzling his face into the soft curve of her neck. She could feel his cool breathe and it sent a shiver through her. "Care to join me", he whispered into her ear, gently nibbling at her earlobe. She said nothing, instead she moved away from him, holding out her hand. He looked a bit puzzled, but reached out and took her hand in his. She led him to their bedroom. It was lit with candle light and soft music was playing. He had set the stage for a long overdue romantic night, something that they had not had since Erik was born. The ambience in the room further turned Kate on. Walking over the side of the bed, she promptly turned to face him. "Here we are, take me and make me your own", she said, slowly removing her clothes and letting them fall to the floor at her feet. She climbed onto the bed, resting in the middle of it and raising her hands above her head. "Mmmmm, my wife, I am going to ravish you", he crooned, removing his clothes. She watched his form climb slowly onto the bed, she couldn't help but think about how beautiful his body is. The ripple of muscles on his arms and chest. She closed her eyes when their skin made contact. She was on fire for this man. He gently tied her wrists and told her to keep her hands above her head. She felt him gently raise her head and tie a blindfold over her eyes. Reaching down he kissed her. It was a hungry kiss and every part of it further set her on fire. She started to feel a pulsing sensation in her core. "I love you my Darling", he gently whispered into her ear. "My love, I love you more", she whispered back to him. She felt his teeth graze the side of her neck. It made her squirm underneath him.

He gently kissed down her body, nipping her nipples with his teeth causing her to arch her back and moan softly. This was the one thing that truly set him on fire, her response to his touch. When he reached her feet, he gently placed one ankle on his shoulder. He began kissing her ankle, then her calf, her knee and her thigh. She moaned, her body responding to him in a way that had not happened since the early days of their relationship. "Please", she begged. "Mmm, impatient are we", he crooned. Her moans had caused his length to stiffen to the point that he could feel his heartbeat, head throbbing. A wetness seeped out of it and he gently rubbed it on her folds. Then he gently slipped inside of her. She let go of a long moan that he captured with his mouth. Gently, he rocked back and forth. She could feel her core begin to burn.

She met his body with every thrust in perfect time. When she could hold back no longer she grabbed his hips plunging him into her, fast and hard, letting go of a scream. She writhed underneath him. Begging him to not stop. He continued to thrust inside of her harder and faster. He too felt that familiar throbbing tingle. It felt like electricity running through every fiber of his being. Suddenly he began to shudder, as wave after wave of sheer ecstasy flooded his body. When he was done, he collapsed next to her. Each of them trying to catch their breath. "My love, that was incredible", she said, rolling over and laying her head on his chest. Putting his arm around her he kissed her damp forehead. The sound of his heartbeat had always been something that drew her closer to him. It was the sound of love, safety....she had always felt so safe with him. "Darling, you felt amazing" he told her. It felt like an eternity since the last time they had made love and just to feel her naked skin and smell her intoxicating scent drove him crazy. They laid, wrapped in each other's arms, talking until they fell asleep.

The next morning they awoke in a panic. They had slept so soundly all night without being awaken by the sound of Erik crying. Kate got out of bed, grabbed her robe and quickly headed to the nursery, with Loki not far behind her. Erik wasn't in his crib. "Who took our baby", Kate screamed. Loki ran into the nursery to see the empty crib and a distraught wife. "Loki, oh my God, someone has taken our baby", she said, crying. "Darling, I don't know, but I will find out", he said, trying to comfort her. He left their bedroom with Kate right behind him. They saw a guard standing at their bedroom door. "I implore you sir, have you seen anyone with our child", he yelled, ready to tear apart whomever had taken their son.

"Your Highness, I saw your Nanny take him towards Odin and Frigga's chambers", he told him, taken aback by Loki's rage. "Thank you", he said hastily. He reached out and took Kate's hand and they both ran down the long corridor towards their chambers. When they reached the room they heard laughter. Not just Frigga, but Erik's also. He knocked on the door, "Mother, it's Kate and I", he called out to her. She opened the door with Erik in her arms. "My children, I hope I didn't worry you", she told them, with a concerned look on her face. Loki and Kate each took a deep breath. "Mother, we were both terrified that someone had decided to take him". "Loki, Kate, oh my God I am so sorry. Loki reached out to take Erik in his arms, from there he handed him to Kate. "Again, I am so sorry", she earnestly apologized. "You were both sleeping so peacefully I didn't want to wake you, so I took him", she told them. "Well actually, I had the Nanny to bring him back to mine and Odin's chambers.

"He is my grandson and I seldom get to see him", she said, tears welling up in her eyes. Frigga was a strong woman until it came to children, and her internal softness comes through. Loki and Kate felt a sense of shame. She was right, she never gets to see him and they understood that she should have time with him too. Kate handed Erik back to Frigga. "Here your majesty, we both want you to spend as much time as you wish to with him", Kate told her. "Are you sure", she asked. "Yes, we're positive", they said in unison. "Just enjoy your time today", she told them. "Thank you Mother", Loki said, reaching out to hug her as best he could with Erik in her arms. "My son, I love you", she said to him, kissing his cheek. "And I you, very much", he replied.

Loki and Kate went back to their room and enjoyed a warm bath together. It had been months since they were able to do this together. They enjoyed their time together in Asgard. Loki took her to all the places that he had wanted to take her to the first time they visited. He especially wanted to show her Frigga's flower garden. She got lost in its beauty. The sweet smell of the flowers was intoxicating to her. "This is beautiful", she told him, closing her eyes and soaking in the sweet air around her. "This has always been my favorite place on Asgard", he told her. "I would come here with one of my many books and read", he told her, reaching out and wrapping his arms around her shoulders. She leaned back and pressed her back against his chest. She loved being in his arms. There was love and safety there.

"You do know that now that Erik has been born that Asgard is another place that we will have to live at times as he gets older", he said to her. "He will need lots of training and Thor, his friends, Odin and Frigga will all teach him things. He will need to know how to be warrior and a leader", he continued. She turned and looked at him, "home is wherever my family is at, no matter where that is". "My love, I knew what I was signing up for with you and I will do whatever I have to do to hold our family together". Placing his hand on the side of her face, "My Darling, I am so in love with you", he told her. She leaned into his plan, nuzzling her face again his soft skin. He reached out and kissed her forehead, "together forever", he softly said. "Yes, together forever", she whispered back to him.

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