Decisions (Fluff/Mature)

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As Kate walked into the thrown room all she could do is stare at the giant columns and high ceilings all made of Gold and the ivory floors. This room is truly magnificent, she thought to herself. Waiting for her at the foot of Odin's thrown was Frigga. "My child", she said, happy to see the newest addition to the royal family. "Frigga it's so good  to see you again", Kate told her, hugging her warmly. "I've missed you and my son, how is he", she asked. Eager to hear that Loki was finally truly happy and doing well. "Well, married life seems to be agreeing with him", she told her, laughing. "We must visit before you leave", Frigga told her. "However, for right now I must go find my other son and catch up with him. I will leave you and Odin to get better acquainted", she said, walking towards the door that led out into the training area. She was sure that Thor was with Sif and the Warriors telling tall tales about his adventures on Midgard.

"Come", Odin said, leading Kate to the top of the stairs where she sat. He took his place on his throne so high up that Kate had to strain to look up at him from her seated position. "Your highness", she began. "I've come here to ask that you remove the ban that Loki has to stay on Midgard in the place that we live to travel back to the place that we were just married". Odin sat very still looking at Kate as if she had just asked for keys to his kingdom. She wasn't feeling so confident that he was going to listen to reason after all. Now she understood who Thor got his stubborn ways from, like father, like son. "Kate, I placed Loki in the place that you both live for a reason, I don't trust him and Thor asked to be closer to Jane." "I needed one son to look after the other son, so I did as Thor asked, I banished him there". Kate couldn't believe her ears, Loki had been placed there because of Jane. "Your highness, Loki no longer requires guardianship, he is married, he has me, I will love and take care of him". "Please remove Thor from this and place him in my hands". Odin gave her an uncharacteristic soft smile. "Kate, I know that one loves the other the same, and I am happy that Loki has found this kind of love", he said, looking directly at her when he spoke. "I do know that your love has softened Loki, it seems to have given him a different focus and a purpose". "I will take your words into consideration and I will give you my decision before you leave tomorrow ", he told her, taking her hand to help her stand up. "Thank you, your highness for listening to me it has been a great pleasure to meet you", she said, bowing her head. "You are as lovely as Frigga has told me you are, it has likewise been a great pleasure to finally meet the one woman that has tamed my son", he told her chuckling to himself. I will accompany you to the area where Thor and his Mother are at". "Make sure that Thor shows you the beauty of Asgard before you leave", he told her, as they walked down the long corridor to an outside area where warriors battled each other to train for the next battle that sooner or later would come.

Frigga and Kate spent part of the afternoon talking about the island that they stayed on and why he wanted to go back so badly. She understood that Loki had never wanted to have  Thor constantly knowing his every move. Kate talked with Sif and the Warriors as well. Thor showed Kate around Asgard. All she could think about was Loki and how badly he had wanted to do this with her, it made her feel sad for the both of them. As night time fell a big feast was prepared in her honor. Succulent meats, roasted vegetables and the toffee cake that Loki loved so much. Somehow eating it without him made the flavor seem bland. After the meal Kate was led to Loki's room for the night. She opened the door to lush dark green curtains that had been drawn over the windows enough that the light of the moon could shine through a small opening between 2 of the panels. She found a lamp and matches, lighting it to find shelves of Loki's books. The room had not been touched since the day of his banishment she could tell by the dust that had collected in a thick coat on the furniture.

Kate changed into a pair of pajamas, turned down the duvet and climbed into Loki's huge bed. It felt lonely without him, but his scent still lingered which gave her comfort enough to fall asleep. The next morning she was awaken by one of Loki's hand maids to come to another feast for a breakfast. It was here that Odin gave her his decision. "My darling Kate, I have made my decision". "I will remove the ban that Loki be guarded by Thor and I will place him in your hands for safe keeping. However, I will not remove the ban that he can return to Asgard as I still do not trust him to be here", he told her. Kate's heart sang and she let go a sigh of relief. "Your Highness, I can never thank you enough for granting us this", she said. "I will take great care of your son and guard and protect him with my very life". She stood and bowed to show her gratitude.

The time came for her return. "Heimdall, I thank you for your kindness, until we meet again", she told him. "Until we meet again Princess, safe travels", he replied. Thor would not be traveling with her as he had chosen to stay in Asgard a few days longer. In a whoosh of bright light Kate returned to the field where Loki and her Grandparents were waiting for her. "My Darling I have missed you", he said hugging Kate a little tighter than normal. "Katie, how was your trip, did everything go ok", asked John and Grace. "Everything went better than I anticipated", she said with a beaming smile on her beautiful face. "What do you mean, did Odin grant your request", Loki asked. If anyone could convince Odin of anything it would be her, she just had a way of, well, getting her way, he thought to himself. Walking up to Loki, she put her arms around his neck and looked up at him with a great big smile. "My love, we are free to go back to the island and Thor will no longer be watching your every move", she told him. Tears began to form in Loki's eyes and trickled down his face. "How did you manage to do this", he asked her. He kissed her forehead, then her cheek and found her mouth, capturing it in a deep kiss. "I just explained everything to him", and he took the time to give me a decision this morning at breakfast", she said and then her face became solemn. "But that's not all Loki, he also made another decision, you are still banned from going back to Asgard", she told him watching the smile leave his face like air being released from a balloon. "He said he still doesn't trust you, but I think if you just give him some more time that, that will change". "He has already seen changes in you since we got together and he's proud that, that has happened". "I knew this was all too good to be true, without him still having control over me as well". "There was no way that all of this was going to be completely worked out so I could have a truly normal life", he said angrily.

"Gran, Grandad, I really need to talk some things over with Loki, I will be back tomorrow to visit for a while", she told them, hugging and kissing them goodbye, and she and Loki left for home. "Loki, this news is good news, please don't let the bad outshine the good", she told him. "I know it is, but it still hurts to know I can't go back to my own world to visit my mother", he told her with a sad look on his face. "Frigga will be coming here to see us, she told me this herself yesterday, so you will not miss out on seeing her", she told him. This seemed to satisfy the ache he felt inside. "I want to go home and celebrate our good news", she told him running her hand across the soft peaks of muscles on his arm. "Then celebrate we shall do", he said in that low velvet tone. Kate knew what it meant and she was ready to make love to her husband. Later that evening he joined Kate in the shower, pressing her body against the wall of the shower he took his time kissing her...down her neck, to her breast, down her soft belly until he was in his knees in front of her as if he was worshiping her. He kissed her inner thigh and she instinctively spread her legs. Throwing one over his shoulder, he ran the pad of his thumb between her folds and across her clit. This made Kate let go of a soft moan and arch her back. Then he began to suck...her clit responding by shooting electricity through every fiber of Kate's body. She ran her fingers into the wet tangles of his hair, tugging at them. He then slipped a long digit into her core, which made her scream. "Loki, please don't stop", she begged. With ragged thrusts he brought Kate over the top and her body trembled throughout her orgasm. Standing in front of her, his mouth captured hers, his kisses were ravenous, like a hungry man that hadn't eaten for days. "Loki, please fuck me, right here, right now", she said. In one even motion Loki raised her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist. His length found its home and he plunged it in with great force. His strokes were angry and and rapid succession. He felt the familiar tingle and the head become hot and on fire as Kate tightened herself around it...until he could no longer hold back and he filled Kate with his seed.

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