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The days turned into weeks and weeks into months. The tiny flutters that Kate felt initially had given way to kicks and jabs. Loki was fascinated by all of it. He had never felt another human growing and this one made this experience that much more interesting and special. They had planned their trip back to Greenwich in a couple of days. They would stay there until after the birth. Kate had packed up their suitcases and made sure that the house would be secure through the next few months. Loki had hired private security as an added precaution. The day was fast approaching and she was beyond ready.

Loki came back from a run on the beach to find Kate sitting in the nursery rocking chair, asleep. How could any woman be so beautiful. He walked over quietly, picked up a small blanket and covered her up. I am the luckiest man alive, he thought to himself , on the way to shower. He couldn't help but think of her, of them, and the last time that they had made love in that very shower. It was passionate and intense. As he stood there letting the warm water run down his body, he begin to imagine what their lives would be like in another short month. This child would be the cement that held them together forever, not that they really needed any. But they were about to raise a future King or Queen. It made him feel a sense of real pride, for the first time in his long existence. He was suddenly jolted from his daydream by a soft voice asking him if he would like to have a little company in the shower. "How could I ever turn you down", he replied. Kate climbed in and wrapped her arms around him. He kissed her, softly, tenderly. "My Darling, I thought you were asleep", he asked. "I did doze off for a few moments", she said, yawning. As usual, Loki bathed her, taking special care around her full belly, he then bathed himself . He loved the feeling of the child's life force, it was stronger now and it kinda tingled when he would touch her belly. "Are you ready to meet this little one", she asked him. "My Darling, I can hardly wait to meet he or she". "Do you hope it's a boy, your son", she asked. "I hope that whatever it is, that it's healthy and that it knows how much it is loved", he replied. "Outside of Frigga, I never knew this, I never felt this", he continued. "Odin was too busy fighting some battle to show love, towards me, and not until recently did I even know how much he does love me, I don't want that for my child", he said. "This baby already knows how much it is loved", she told him. "Every time your hand is on my stomach, I get a warm sensation on the inside", she shared with him. "Loki, look", she exclaimed. As he stood there in front of her, his body touching hers, they both could see a tiny handprint on her belly. He reached down to touch it and Kate laid her hand on top of his. "See it knows it's loved", she looked at him and said. With tears in his eyes, he was in awe of this child.

Hours later Kate and Loki arrived at their favorite beachside restaurant for one last meal before they left. "I am so ready to have this baby", she told him, rubbing her very round belly. " But right now, we are starved". "I'm sure you are ready , I am too", he replied. "Gran, Grandpa, Thor, Frigga and Odin will all be there, my family together what could be more perfect", she said, smiling. "This child will be special in so many ways", he told her. "A royal child hasn't been born to Asgard in centuries". "Does that mean there will be a grand celebration", she asked him. "Yes, the celebration will last for 2 days and at the beginning of the first day, the child will be introduced to the people of Asgard. It will be grand". "Our child will be declared Asgardian and future King or Queen", he told her, he was so proud of his heritage and even more proud that their child had such an important role to play for the kingdom and people of Asgard.

The next morning they boarded the jet heading back to Greenwich. Kate sat in her seat looking out the window as the jet left the solidness of the pavement. "We leave here as 2 and will return as 3", she said out loud. "Excuse me, my darling, what did you say", he asked. "We leave here as 2 and will return as 3", she said again. "That's a strange and exciting thought", he replied. "This whole pregnancy has felt like it has happened in warp speed", she said. "Well you were already 2 months pregnant by the time that we found out and you've been so busy putting together 2 nursery's as well. I'm sure the time has flown by for you", she said, leaning over to kiss her forehead tenderly. "Kate I can't imagine doing this life with anyone but you", he told her. "And I can't put into words what having this child with you means to me", he finished. "Mmm, my love, me and this baby will shower you with love everyday for the rest of our lives" she said, laying her head against his chest. How many nights had she slept this way? Listening to the sound of his heartbeat had always been soothing for her.

Kate awoke as the jet jolted when the wheels touched down on the runway. Waiting for them this time was Thor. "Brother, welcome back", he said, hugging Loki. "Kate, you look as radiant as ever, welcome back", he said, hugging Kate as well. "Thor, thank you for meeting us this time. And mother, is she here yet"? Loki asked him. "Yes, they are waiting for all of us back at my apartment". When they arrived, everyone was there waiting and they all arose to give hugs and "welcome homes", that is everyone, except Odin. He wasn't accustomed to passing out displays of affection. "So when will this little one be making their appearance ", asked Frigga. "Soon, very soon", Kate replied. "Until then, we have a few things in the nursery to finish before our child is born", Loki told her. "Katie, is there anything that me and your Grandma can do to help", asked John. "Nothing, Grandpa, I think we are all set until the day comes", Kate told him. "I can't begin to tell each of you how happy I am that you are all here. My family....all in the same place", she said, tears pooling up in her eyes. Loki reached out and put his arms around her. He knew how much this meant to Kate and how she had longed for it the entire time that they had been together. "My children, I cannot stay any longer, I must return to Asgard. But I will return when the child has been born", Odin told them all. Thor left to take him to the place in John's field that Heimdall could return him to Asgard.

The days passed and still no baby. Until one morning while Kate was showering for the busy day ahead of her. She felt a sharp pain, which doubled her over. Then another and another. With a big gush, her water broke. " Loki", she yelled. In a mad dash he came bounding up the staircase, running into the bathroom to find Kate doubled over in pain. "Kate, what's wrong", he asked, terrified that something bad was happening to her and their child. "It's time Loki, it's time", she said, breathlessly. "Let me put on clothes, grab my bag, please". Helping her out of the shower and drying her off, he helped her into the bedroom. Grabbing a pair of sweatpants, t-shirt and slides. He helped her dress and down the staircase. "My darling, let me get your door". Helping her into the car, they headed out to their hospital, ready for the birth. Phone calls were made, family and friends gathered at the hospital. Hours later her Dr walked into the waiting room to find a dozen faces all looking at him. "Dr, what's wrong", Loki asked. "Mr. Odinson, you are the proud father of a healthy son", he told him. Cheers erupted in the room and tears filled his eyes. A son, he and Kate had created this very special child. "I'm an Uncle" shouted Thor. "I shall teach him to be a great warrior". "Thor, this child has a greater destiny than to be a warrior", Loki told him. "Someday, he will be a King". "Mr. Odinson, if you would please come with me, let's meet your son", the Dr told him. Loki left the room with the Dr, he had waited for this day for months, and now it was finally here. He was about to meet his son, Narfi, their lives would forever be changed from this day forward.

Love Affair That Lasts Forever - Volume 2 Where stories live. Discover now