Born To Be King

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As Loki slowly walked into Kate's room. Kate was tenderly holding him in her arms. "I can't believe it, he is finally here. Our son, our Narfi", he said, tears in his eyes as he witnessed the tiny human that he had helped create and had waited for, for what felt like an eternity. "Narfi", she asked confused. "Isn't that a Jotunn name that you told me about ages ago? I will not name my child after some evil Demi-god that is a Jotunn", she snapped. "And as hard as you try to deny your Jotunn heritage I'm surprised you'd even want too". "His name is Erik, he was born to be strong, to be a leader for the people of Asgard", she told him.

Loki looked at her feeling great shame. She was right, why would he ever want to name his child after the part of him that he hated so much? The part of him that he wanted desperately to hide from this child. "You're right, my Darling, from today forward his name will be Erik", he told her, feeling a sense of redemption. "Would you like to hold your son", she asked, pulling the blanket back to reveal the tiny fingers and toes. "Yes, I would very much love to hold my son" he said, reaching out and gently taking the child in his arms. "He's perfect", he said with tears in his eyes. "He will make an excellent King", he told her, feeling a great sense of pride that his child would someday rule over all of Asgard and its people.

One by one, family and friends gathered in Kate's room to see their newborn son. After hours of visits, Kate tired and Loki kindly asked everyone to leave so Kate and the baby could get some rest. "Sure, see you soon" they all said as their group of friends, along with John, Grace, Thor and Frigga left the room. Suddenly there was a gentle knock at the door, it opened gently to reveal Odin. "My children, I am here to see the future King of the people of Asgard", he said, as he quietly walked into the room. "Ah, look at the babe sleeping so peacefully", he said, seeing Erik lying in his tiny bed beside of Kate and Loki. "The baby and Kate are both exhausted from all of the visitors we've had today", Loki told him. "I just came to briefly see this very special little boy and his wonderful parents. I will come back again after you are all home and settled in", Odin told them. "When we find out that it's safe for Kate and the baby to travel we will bring him to Asgard to meet the people there", Loki told him. "Very good", Odin replied. "Rest daughter, I will see you soon", he said, leaning down and kissing the baby's forehead. Loki stood, and Odin hugged him, then Kate. That was the first time Loki had ever seen Odin be affectionate towards anyone other than Frigga and Thor.

Kate couldn't help but notice the surprised expression on Loki's face. "What's wrong", she asked. "Nothing is , I've just never seen Odin do that", he replied, with a soft smile on his face. "Do what"? "Show affection towards anyone other than Mother and Thor", he replied. "Odin seems like a changed person since the 2 of you worked everything out". "He is different", Loki told her, as if someone else inhabits his body". "I think it's wonderful that he's made such a dramatic change for your sake as well as Erik's", she replied. "It's marvelous ", he said. "My love, it's time for me to sleep", she said, yawing as her eyes closed. "Yes, Darling get some rest. I'm going to stretch out in this little couch and try to rest". The couch was obviously too short to support his long frame, but for her discomfort was the least of his worries. He was not only a husband, but a father, and they both needed him. "If you need anything, I will be here", he told her, as he kissed her softly on the forehead as she closed her eyes and fell asleep. Starting tomorrow, I may never get a sound nights sleep ever again. However, the reason for that was worth it too him. Kate, and now baby Erik, became his whole world, nothing mattered outside of them. Being the best parent that he could be became his goal. "Goals", he lightly chuckled to himself, I've never had a positive goal in my entire existence until now". The changes that were coming were big ones, but Kate and Loki embraced them. Baby Erik was a joy and each day that passed Kate and Loki saw little changes as he grew.

The day finally came when Kate and the baby were given the clearance to travel. Early the next morning they traveled to the place in John's field, calling out to Heimdall to take them to Asgard. Loki held on tight to his little family as they were whisked away to the "rainbow bridge" as Kate called it affectionately. Waiting for them at the palace was Odin, Frigga, Thor and his friends. The people of Asgard had gathered outside the palace awaiting the new babe that would someday be their King. "My children", said Frigga. Reaching out to hug Loki first, then Kate and baby Erik. "May I", she asked Kate. "Sure you may", Kate said, gently laying Erik in her arms. "The people of Asgard await this child", said Odin. "Let us not keep them waiting any longer", he said, walking toward the balcony that overlooked the courtyard. Everyone followed him.

As they stepped out onto the balcony, a hush came over the crowd. Odin spoke, telling them all that today would be the day that they would all meet their future King, King Erik of Asgard and the Earthly realm. The people began to cheer. Taking Erik into his arms, Loki and Kate stepped forward. "I present to you King Erik, may his reign by long. May he always show kindness and courage towards his people and his enemies", he said. Holding up the baby, so the people could look upon his face. With a roar, the people cheered, some shouting, "long live the King" or "all hail to the King". This made Loki and Kate's hearts swell with pride.

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