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As time passed, Kate and Loki settled into their life on the island. Their love for each other and their happiness flourished. Kate found another teaching job and Loki started working at the dock that provided the sailboat rides. One night while lying in bed Kate hesitantly started a conversation that she had been waiting to have with Loki. Where and how do I even begin this, she thought to herself? "My love, I have a question to ask you". "Ask me anything, Darling", he said, laying down his book and rolling onto his side to give Kate his full attention. "We haven't talked about this in a long time. Do you still want children" she asked? "Yes, love, I do still want children, someday. However, right now, I am enjoying our time together", he told her. He was curious as to why she would ask this question out of the blue considering they had, had the same conversation not so long ago. "Why do you ask", he inquired her. "No special reason, I was just curious if you still felt the same way", she replied, trying to sound convincing. Loki desperately wanted to read Kate's thoughts and he would have done so if he had not promised her that he would never do that again. "Well, I am tired and I have school tomorrow, so I am going to get some sleep", she told him, reaching over and kissing him good night. "Good night, my beloved, I'm going to read for a while", Loki told her, kissing her forehead. "Will the light bother you", he asked. "What would bother me is for you to not be here in our bed lying next to me", she replied, yawning and laying her head on his chest. The soft sound of his heartbeat always lulled Kate to sleep. "I can't imagine being anywhere else", he said, wrapping his arm around her.

Loki pondered the question that she had asked while he stared at the words on the pages. Why would Kate ask him about that out of the blue, he wondered to himself. He hadn't seen Kate sick or heard her talk about not feeling well. He had noticed that she was sleeping more, taking afternoon naps that she seldom ever took. He had thought that maybe she had just had a long stressful day at school. He brushed it off and continued to read his book until he was sleepy, he closed it, and snuggled up next to Kate and fell asleep.

The next morning he awoke to an empty bed. Kate had gotten up earlier than normal. Maybe she's enjoying her morning coffee before she goes to work, he thought to himself. That is until he heard an unfamiliar sound. He arose to investigate it. He found Kate, in the shower, crying. "Love are you alright" he asked her, opening the door to the shower and taking her into his arms. "Yes, my love" she replied. Trying to hide the fact that her stomach was doing somersaults and she felt incredibly dizzy and anxious. "I think I either ate something that didn't agree with me or I have taken the stomach bug that many of my students have been sick with. "Either way, I am staying home today, just to be safe", she told him. "Can I get you something for your stomach", he asked. "Maybe some dry toast or fizzy water". "No food, not sure my stomach could handle that, let's just leave it at the fizzy water, for now", holding back the urge to be sick again until after he left the bathroom.

Kate got out of the shower and back in her favorite pair of pajamas. Crawling back into bed, she could still feel that uncomfortable tossing about in her stomach. It had been a long time since she had been this sick. She found sleep not long after her head hit the pillow. Loki had headed downstairs to fix her a glass of warm ginger ale and some plain crackers. By the time he made it back to their bedroom, Kate was fast asleep. He set the glass and plate down on the side table, kissed the top of her head and left her there to sleep.

He was worried, worried that something was very wrong with his wife. He sensed it, something was definitely off. Against his better judgment, he returned to the bedroom to find Kate still fast asleep. Laying his hand on her stomach he felt a life force. It was strong, and with this he knew that all of her unusual naps, her illness today were more than just a stomach bug. He felt a strong life force. He understood now why Kate had asked him the unusual questions the night before because she too knew the same thing that he now knew. She is pregnant. His heart leaped in his chest with joy, as tears welled up in his eyes. She was carrying their child and all of his plans to spend time with her, just her, were going to change. He was happy with that. Happier than he thought he would ever be. Their love had created a child. He knew he could not tell her, but encourage her to see her Dr as soon as she awoke.

Hours later, he heard the soft pad of her feet as she came downstairs. "My beloved, how are you feeling" he asked. "About the same as I did this morning", she replied. "Love, I think you should see your Dr, maybe it's something more than just that stomach bug you spoke of", he said. "Maybe I should", she said. "I'll call right now and see if I can get in quickly", she said, picking up her phone to make the call. He could hardly contain himself and wanted to tell her so bad. What could it hurt he thought to himself. He didn't read her thoughts, after all. "Kate, love, put down the phone I have something that I must tell you right now", he said. She hung up her phone, turning to face him. "What, my love, what is wrong", she asked. "Kate, you don't need to go to see the Dr, I already know what is wrong with you", his eyes welled with tears. "Loki, what do you mean you already know", she asked, her anxiety starting to peak. "Kate, he started, you don't have a stomach bug, you are pregnant", finally he said it, he was relieved, and scared she would be angry with him. "How do you know", she asked. "Because I can feel the life force inside of you, very strongly", he told her. "I don't understand, you can sense this, with your magic", her mind was now racing. She had sensed this for the past several weeks but never took a test to confirm it. Now she didn't need to, it had been I confirmed and she was relieved that she would no longer have to dance around the subject of children with him. She started to cry, and he walked over to her, wrapping his arms around her, kissing her forehead. "Our love has created this new life, our own precious family", he whispered softly to her. "I couldn't be happier", he said. They stood there in the kitchen for what seemed like hours just holding each other, crying. A baby, she going to have her very own little God of Mischief.

Love Affair That Lasts Forever - Volume 2 Where stories live. Discover now