Finally Home (Fluff/ Mature)

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The next morning after breakfast Kate and Loki left the hotel in search of their new home. They knew exactly what they wanted and prayed that they would find it here in their own sacred paradise. As happy as she thought she was, she was happy on a different level now because she could see Loki just blossom and grow. He grew into the man that he had wanted to be for centuries. She realized that all he needed was the light and space to grow, like a flower that had been locked away. Void of sunshine, of a loving hand. Loki flourished here, and she finally knew the man, the God, that she had married. Her love for him was infinite and there was nothing she wouldn't do to protect and cherish this man.

When they finally came upon a house that had a beach front, with long flowing white curtains. And light, the house was so full of light. From the morning to mid-day sun, the house glistened to them. When night fall came, the moon would shine down on them like they were chosen for something greater than themselves. They took late night strolls on the beach they laid in the hammock near the beach, talking and laughing together. Loki read her poetry and they found new places to make love. Their latest new place was the dining room table with the marble table top. One evening after Loki had returned from a several hour excursion into the mainland to pick up supplies that they needed, he walked in to find that she had decorated, she rearranged the furniture and hung some of his paintings on the walls. She had worked to make their house feel like a home. And he had supplied the furniture with a little God of Mischief magic, with the permission from Kate of course. She was more than happy to allow him to help with his special touches. When he was creating all of it she thought to herself, maybe his magic can be a positive thing after all. But for now she would continue letting the rule be the rule for both their sakes.

Kate heard the door open and Loki walked in. She ran to him, kissing him, passionately. "I've miss you today", she whispered. Loki smiled, embracing her in a huge hug, kissing her again. His hand came up to caress her cheek as he looked into her eyes. His heart felt warm and full. He was home, their home, with his wife, and there was no other place that he would rather be. "I've missed you too, my love, so very much". "I've prepared our dinner, are you hungry", she asked. Loki pressed her close and kissed her again with passion, their bodies pressing tightly together. "Yes, indeed, I am", he said. The God of Mischief pressed her even closer, and smiled, his lips touching hers again. Their hands moving all over each other, lost in the moment. When suddenly he moved the empty dishes from the table top, laying her down on top of it, kissing her again. The cool marble caused Kate's skin to prinkle for a moment. When Loki felt the chill on her skin, he used his magic to slightly warm Kate and the table top. He began to move his hands down, exploring her soft curves as he pressed her back against the marble top. Loki leaned down, his face just above hers, his hands caressing her curves. His voice, breathless with the heat, and whispered, "My love how did I gain favor with the Gods to be given the most wonderful human to be my wife". "I love you my beloved", she whispered back. His mouth came down to meet hers and their lips met again, exploring, searching each other as their passion built. Their bodies intertwined, her legs pulling him closer to her. His hands moved down, exploring her soft skin. He raised her dress, caressing and pressing her body closer. His lips moved again to her neck, his breath catching again and his hands gently squeezed her hips, "please make love to me", she begged. His breath catching at her words. Her soft pleading voice sat him on fire. His tongue started along her throat as his hands moved down exploring and teasing her. She reached up and tangled her delicate fingers in his long black locks. Her back arched, she pressed her body closer to him. She could feel the arousal of his length. Loki's breath quickened. Her nails digging slightly into his back sending shivers down his spine. Their eyes met and their breath quickened once more, their desire growing. His lips moved down her body. Her soft skin so creamy and smooth. He gently removed her panties allowing his fingers to find her folds. The pad of his thumb grazed her clit. This caused Kate to let go of a soft moan. The passion, their desire intensifying, growing more fierce as each second passes, until he cannot hold back. Loki let's go of a soft moan moving into her, their bodies join as one.

He griped her as his hands explore her warm skin. Her nails dig into his back again, her hands moving on his body. His hips moved slow at first, but soon picked up speed. Their bodies moved in rhythm, their breaths growing more intense and their moans growing louder. Their passionate lovemaking reached a peak, they both shudder and the climax overtakes them like a wave, filling them with pleasure and bliss. Loki wrapped his arms around her as she wrapped her legs around him, their bodies finally settling into each other. "My beloved", she whispered into his ear, "I cannot imagine, nor do I want to, my life without you in it. You are my sun in the morning and my moon at night". Loki's heart swelled at Kate's words and he felt a joy and tenderness that he had never felt before in his life. His arms encircling her even tighter, feeling that much closer to her. He pulled her against him pressing his face in her chest, breathing in the scent of her. Her skin, so soft and her fragrance fills him up, completely. In this moment he couldn't be happier. For he knew he had found his soulmate, his other half, the one he could not have imagined, he feels complete. He kisses her on the neck, lovingly. "I guess we should get cleaned up", she said, smiling. She moved to stand and walk to their bath. She lit candles and prepared the water with scented oils. "Join me, my love", she asks, extending her hand to him. Loki took her hand and followed her into the hot bath, the steam swirling around them and the candles flickering softly in the background. The smell of the oils fill the room, soft and calming. Their bodies meet in the warm water and his arms slip around her again. Loki nuzzled his head into her shoulder, their bodies pressed close, his hand started to slowly massage her body. There was no need for words, their touches spoke loudly to the other.

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