Agree to disagree

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The next morning Kate woke early. Loki was still sleeping peacefully beside her. She gently got out of bed so as not to wake him. She had to talk to Thor, privately. She went downstairs, grabbed her cell and eased the back door open and went outside by the pool. Sitting down in a lawn chair she dialed his number. Not knowing exactly what to say. Before she knew it Thor was on the other end welcoming them back in his usual booming voice. Cheerfully he said, "Good morning Sister, welcome home". "How are you and how's that brother of mine"? "Good morning Thor, we are doing quite well and Loki is still asleep" she told him.

"I would ask if he behaved, but I already know how the trip went" he said laughing. He just can't keep from using his magic and he knows better than to do it", he said in a snarky manner. "Stop it Thor", Kate could feel Loki's anger rising up in her. "Loki was a gentleman, he did nothing wrong", she snapped. "Not even when he used it to calm you when you discovered his run in with the Frost Giants and that he is half Frost Giant himself", he told her. "Thor, I said, stop it", she warned him again. There was silence on the phone while both of them retreated into their own corner. "I called you for a reason", she started. "And what is the reason", he asked her. Thanks to Heimdall he already knew the direction the conversation was headed, but he kept quiet to hear her out.

"What would we have to do to get Odin to release his ban on Loki, so we can go back to the island", she asked. Laughing, he told her "The Allfather will never do that, he made it very clear that Loki has been banished to Midgard and that I am to keep an eye on him", he told her. "Kate he made it very clear to me that if Loki disobeys again it is an Asgardian dungeon for him, married or not", he said. He knew this was not what she wanted to hear and he hated to be the one that gave her the bad news. Kate, however, was not about to just laydown and accept what Thor was telling her. She had to fight for Loki's freedom, she loved him and she would do whatever she had to, to secure it for him.

"I am going to Asgard", she told him. "Surely he will listen to reason", she finished. "Kate, I would strongly advise against doing that", he boomed with a voice that made her tremble on the inside. "Why", she snapped back at him. "Because Father has a great distaste for humans", he told her. "And Jane", she retorted. "Jane is different, Father knows her", he said. "Well it's time he got to know me". "Kate, if you are so hellbent on going, I will come with you, but someone must keep", she cut him, "He's not a child, Thor, that has to be babysat, so stop". He looked wide-eyed, mouth open. He couldn't believe that a human had basically told him, Thor, God of Thunder, to shut up. However, she was no longer just an average human, she was the Princess of Asgard. She had every right to speak to Odin, her King. "Well, Thor, if you're going with me, then be ready to go tomorrow morning ", she told him. "Very well Kate, we go tomorrow", he said, giving in to her demands. He knew Kate was a strong-willed woman and capable of going without him, but to soften the situation, he would go with her. "And I'd appreciate it if you and Heimdall not warn Odin, he's my father-in-law and my King, I think I'd rather surprise him". Thor knew that Odin would see her coming long before she got there, but he still agreed to her request. "I will talk with my brother later today, I've actually missed him. I want to catch up with him", he told her. "Fine, I will let him know of my plans". She hung up the phone throwing it into the grass, she was angry. How could Thor think so little of Loki and now it seemed to be her as well.

Loki awoke to find Kate not in bed. "Kate love, where are you", he called out. When he got no answer he got up to go look for her. "Darling, are you here", he asked again as he walked downstairs. But nothing. She was no where to be seen. That is until he spotted her by the pool, phone in hand, in a heated argument, with someone, but who? Kate never argued with anyone, ever, he thought to himself. He made them a cup of tea, carefully watching her through the window. He watched as she ended the call and then throwing it across the grass. Someone or something had made her mad and he intended to find out.

Opening the patio door he picked up the cups of tea he made for both of them. "Good Morning love", he said as he walked out, closing the door behind him with his foot. "Morning Baby", she called out to him, "how did you sleep"? "Almost too well, I forgot how much I missed OUR own bed", he said, reaching down to kiss her. "I made us some tea" he said, handing her a piping hot cup. "Mmmmm, thank you so much, I really needed this", she said, taking a sip of the tea. Earl Grey, was his and now her, favorite. "Loki, you make the best cup of tea ever", she said, taking another sip. "I'm glad you approve", he said with a sly grin, "that's not all I am good at you know". Laughing, she threw a pillow at him, and he playfully dodged it and threw it back at her.

He picked up her phone from the grass, handing it back to her. "Not to be eavesdropping, but I overheard you arguing with someone, is everything ok", he asked. She really didn't want to tell him she had been on the phone with Thor and especially not why. However, she was going to Asgard in less than 24 hrs and he needed to know. "Well, first, I, I, want you to understand something", she started. " I love you and I'll stop at nothing to protect you and make you happy". "Thank you Darling, I feel the same way about you", he told her placing a soft kiss on her forehead. "I'm not sure I like where this is going", he said cautiously. He had promised her that he would never again read her thoughts, but it was so hard to keep that promise. "Well, I had a conversation with Thor this morning", she told him, studying his face for any sign of anger, "And what did that oaf want" he asked realizing that he was the one that had been arguing with Kate. "He doesn't want me doing something that I know that I have to do". "I told you that I would work on getting us back to the island", she told him, seeing him raise an eyebrow in curiousity as to how that necessarily pertained to Thor. "Loki, I am going to Asgard in the morning and Thor insists on coming with me. I think he's wrong but he's not one to be reasoned with for me", she told him, praying he would just understand why she was doing this, going to see Odin himself. I need to address this issue between the 2 of you, plus he needs to meet his new Princess. "I have to agree with Thor", he said. She choked, slightly, on her sip of tea because she couldn't believe that Loki was agreeing with Thor, period. "Loki, this isn't up for discussion with you anymore than it wasn't with Thor", she told him, "Just once I wish both of you would trust me, at least this one time". Loki, shook his head, he wouldn't argue with her about this since she felt so strongly about it.

The following morning, like clockwork, Thor met Kate in the field behind her grandparents house and Heimdall transported them to Asgard. Waiting for them was Odin himself. "I see you have left Loki alone", he bellowed. "Father", Thor started, but Kate jumped into the conversation to defend her husband. "Wait, Loki doesn't need a guardian anymore, not Thor anyway, he has me and with me he is happy". "Ah yes, the lovely Kate, Princess of Asgard", he said. She stopped, unsure if it was ok to breathe. "Come child, let's get to know one another", he told her. I understand that you wish to speak with me about Loki and his banishment. He took her to the throne room so they could speak in private. She had no idea how she would start a conversation with him. Think fast Kate, she kept telling herself.

Love Affair That Lasts Forever - Volume 2 Where stories live. Discover now