La Familia (Part 2) (Mature)

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The next morning Kate and Loki got dressed and headed to their favorite breakfast spot. She had been craving their pancakes and bacon for months, especially since she got pregnant. She craved EVERYTHING!! Sitting in their favorite booth in the back of the restaurant, they placed their order. When the food came, Kate's mouth watered at the smell of the delicious food. "I have wanted this for months", she told him digging into her stack of pancakes. "I can tell", he said, grinning as he watched her devour her food. "How's your breakfast", she asked. "The omelette is as delicious as it always", he said, taking another bite. "You know, I miss this place", she said, setting down her fork and looking at him. "Miss this restaurant", he asked. "Yes, this food, this atmosphere". "There's nothing on the island like this, and I just miss it", she said. Looking down and staring at the food on her plate. "I've been thinking about something that I want to talk to you about", she said, not sure how to break this too him. "Ok, what is it, my Darling", he laid down his fork to give her his full attention. "I want to have our baby here in the states", there she said it. "I already knew this, I have sensed it for a while", he told her as he reached out to squeeze her hand and giving her a gentle, Loki smile. "It's ok", he told her. "I am perfectly happy coming back here to have our child". "There's really no point in having a child on the island without my Grandparents", she told him. "I really want them there". Tears filled her eyes and trickled down her face. Instinctively, Loki reached across the table to wipe them away. "My Darling, I don't understand, why the tears"? "I don't know", she said, "I just feel sad, when I should be glad because you and I are on the same page about the birth". Loki moved into the seat next to her wrapping his arm around her shoulder to comfort her. She looked up at him, "we have several months of these annoying mood swings", she said with a slight chuckle and a roll of her eyes. "For you, my darling, I will endure anything", he told her, kissing her forehead.

Later in the afternoon Kate phoned her grandparents to let them know they were on their way. Today, she didn't dress to hide her growing baby bump. "Be there shortly", she told Grace. "See you soon dear, it's been too long", Grace replied. Pulling into their driveway, Loki and Kate each took a deep breath. In unison they said to the other, "here goes nothing", each chuckling. Walking into the house the greetings were warm and full of love. "I've missed you Katie", "Grandpa, I've missed you much". "Loki, it's so good to see you again, you look so happy and well". "Grace, it is always a pleasure to see you, and yes, I am doing well and I'm very happy". Standing next to each other, their faces beaming, Kate and Loki shared their good news. There were hugs and tears and more hugs. John and Grace started talking about the things they'd want to do for this new little life when he or she would come to visit. This is when Kate told them that the baby would be born there in Greenwich. This brought about more tears of joy. As happy as they had been on the island, today, nothing there would ever compare to here, she thought to herself. Especially for Loki, he saw that familiar bright light that lived behind Kate's eyes return. How could he have never noticed that here, this place, was where Kate truly felt at home. She had sacrificed so much for him, including her own happiness. He would speak with her later about splitting their time between the island and Greenwich. It was the least that he could do given the present circumstances.

Later that evening as they got ready for bed, Kate knew she needed to ask him about teleporting to Asgard to tell Odin and Frigga. "Love, I will try to do that", he told her. He felt uneasy about the thought of seeing Odin again after their last encounter. Loki knew that it would be wiser to meet with Frigga, alone. She always spent time in her garden after breakfast. He would appear to her and tell her. "I know exactly how I will do this", he said. "She spends time in her garden every morning, I will tell her tomorrow before we leave to go back to the island. "Thank you", she said, kissing him softly. "You know, my love, it's been a long time since we made love here", he whispered into her ear. "Care to join me for a bath", she asked? "Absolutely, I will go prepare it for us", he said in that sultry low velvet voice. Their bath's together always relaxed every fiber of Kate's body. Most because of the special care he showed her, his touch felt different, he was different. She felt gentle electricity escape the tips of his long fingers and always wondered if he used a little magic to do that. She didn't care if he did, she loved it. Calling out from the bathroom, "Love, our bath is ready". She walked into the bathroom to see candle light dancing about the room and reflecting off the water like droplets of gold. The smell of the oils he chose intoxicated Kate. "Mmmmm", she said, this bath smells divine. He held her hand as she stepped into the tub. When she was in the water, he stepped in behind her. Sitting down he helped her lower her body down in front of him. He gently began massaging her. First her shoulders, then her arms and finally her body. "Loki, your touch always feels so good, it makes me tingle all over like your fingers are electric", she hummed. "My love, the feeling of my touch comes from a mixture of our love", he tenderly replied. She turned to face him, sitting with her legs wrapped around him. He kissed her, gently at first, until his mouth began to devour hers with pure passion. "Ive wanted to take you like this for days and days, I was waiting for the right time", he told her with a low growl in his voice. She loved his sounds, they set her on fire.

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