La Familia (Part 1)

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As the weeks passed, Kate's "all-day" sickness subsided. She and Loki settled into all of the new changes. Kate started working on the nursery on the weekends. Loki chose a mural to paint on one of the walls and she painted the remaining walls a pale green trimming them with a pale gold. Be this child a boy or girl, their father is a God and she felt it fitting that their room should be colored with his signature colors. Loki chose an Asgardian flower garden with children and fairies playing together. Painting it became a labor of love for him. He wanted his child to know their heritage. Not the scary part with big, blue giants with fiery red eyes or their bone chilling realm, Jotunnheim. He would only tell the child of Asgard, the other would be a conversation only if it needed to be.

Kate had planned a surprise trip home to see her grandparents. Her news was "in person" news, she decided. After she was cleared to fly, she booked their flight back to Connecticut to see them. The flight seemed longer than the previous one, Kate thought to herself. She could hardly contain her excitement. No one in all of Asgard or CT knew about this child, at least not yet. After this weekend she prayed it would be the thing that would bond all of the families together. Kate dressed in layered tropical colors to hide her ever growing belly. She had the reveal all planned out, at least she hoped it would go as she had "planned". It always timing, for everything. Is there ever really timing things right when it comes to a child, she thought to herself.

Jane was waiting on the tarmac at the private airport for Loki and Kate's jet to land. "And where is my dear brother", Loki asked, disappointed that Thor had not shown up to greet them. "Loki, he wanted to be here, but your Father. Odin, I mean. Needed him for some last minute battle training" she told him, with an "I'm sorry" look on her face. "Of course Odin needed him", he said rolling his eyes with disgust on his face and riddling through that velvet voice. "Babe, it'll be ok", Kate said, wrapping her arms around him to soothe his wounded feelings. "Yes, love. It will be, no IT IS ok", refocusing on his own joy.

"When will Thor be returning", Kate asked. "Hopefully, later this evening, unless something changes and things on Asgard seem to change on a dime", Jane told them. It had only just dawned on Kate that Heimdall had likely already seen the baby. After all, she was sure that Frigga had him keeping an eye on both of them, especially Loki. She found it odd that there had been no word from anyone on Asgard so far, so maybe he had said nothing. This too would change as soon as Thor was given their good news. If only Asgard had phones, she chuckled to herself. And if only it didn't take the bifrost to get there.

They had wanted to tell Frigga, and Odin, as soon as it was confirmed by a Dr and a proper medical examination that Kate and the baby were fine. Kate was at the 8 week mark and the birth would occur in the late Spring of the following year. Each passing day brought about tiny flutters from the new life growing inside of her. Soon they both would know, and Kate was hopeful this would turn everything around between Loki and Odin.

Jane dropped them both off at their home. They were glad that they had made the decision to keep the house. John kept an eye on it for them while they were away. "Home, sweet home", said Kate, as she walked in the door. Taking in the sweet smells of the home that she'd lived in for years. She loved that she could share this place with Loki and now another new little life. Opening the refrigerator all it held was cold water and sandwich fixings. Grace had made sure they had something to eat when they arrived. A note was left on the kitchen island with an invite to dinner the next evening. But tonight was the night that Kate and Loki would share their news with Jane and Thor.

"How do you feel about being back here and seeing your brother", Kate asked. "All things considered I am happy no matter where we are", he replied. "IF we see Thor, I will be thrilled to see my brother". He was curious about what she was getting at with all of the questions. "I know how ready you were to leave those two things behind", she told him. "Kate, love, our lives are so very different now", he said, reaching out to caress her face. "I know they are and I'm so excited", she said smiling softly. "I would've never dreamed you'd be so happy about a baby", she told him. "My Darling, this baby isn't just any baby, this child is OUR child", he told her tears prickling his eyes. "He or She was created out of pure love, our love", he said. She started to cry, and he cradled her in his arms. He was right, she had never loved a man as completely as she did him. And she knew he loved her the same way. This is how they both would love their child.

The phone suddenly rang pulling them both back from their moment. Kate dried her eyes and answered the phone. "Kate, may I speak with my brother", Thor asked. Smiling, she handed the phone to Loki. "It's your brother". "Brother, it's great to hear your voice", Thor told him. "Let's get together, we need to tell you something", Loki said with utter joy in his voice. "Ok, I'll see you at dinner this evening", Thor replied. "Is everything ok", Thor asked. "It couldn't be better". But he couldn't begin to imagine Thor's reaction to their news, he just hoped he was happy.

Later that evening Loki & Kate prepared to tell Thor and Jane. "So what's this big thing that you want to tell me" Thor asked. Swallowing hard, Loki took a deep breath. Please be happy for us, he thought to himself. "Thor and Jane, "Kate and I are pregnant", he told them almost holding his breath, waiting for their reaction. With big smiles their faces lit up. "Brother, Kate, that's the best news ever", he told them. Jane was beaming and congratulating both of them. "Mother and Father will be so happy", said Thor. "Thor, please don't say a word, we want to find a way to tell them ourselves", Kate pleaded. She didn't know how they were going to tell Odin and Frigga without a little Loki magic. He could project himself anywhere he wanted and she hoped this is something that he would want to do, because she certainly couldn't go. "I will say nothing to anyone", he said, his face still beaming. "I can't believe it I'm going to be an Uncle".

Dinner conversation was lively the rest of the evening. Later, Loki & Kate arrived back to their house. Exhausted from the trip, they went to bed early. Tomorrow they would tell her grandparents. These were the two people she had, had the hardest time keeping this secret from for the past 4 months. She would no longer have to do that, and she was glad. Snuggling up together, with his hand on her belly, they both fell fast asleep.

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