Chapter 12. Poison?..

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"But...Why 30,000,000!?" You asked worried. Doflamingo sighed. "I know....It's a lot." He said and then handed you a pipe. It was like the ones that Sado, Ace, and Luffy used as kids.

You looked at it and sighed. His hands gripped your shoulder. "You are not to go anywhere without me till you can fight." He spoke in a serious tone. You nodded.

He grabbed your hand and yanked you with him. He brought you to a room. "How about we just work on defensive movements first?" He asked with a smile.

"In a dress?.." You asked looking down at the blue dress. He stood there in thought. "Well..that would be your normal clothes. You won't have time to change when you're fighting." He said simply.

You nodded and you gripped the pipe tighter. "I'm not expecting much right now." He said and then summoned some of his strings. You took a deep breath. He fired some of the strings at you.

You quickly jumped out of the way. It felt weird, like you were different somehow in this world. He sent another one and you dodged it as well. "I didn't think I could move this fast.." You mumbled to yourself.

He looked at you and tilted his head. "Well..this is another world from yours.. what's normal in my world is different from yours." He said and then launched another string.

You dodged it and the string crashed into the wall, cracking it a bit. You gulped slightly. "True." You said with a small smile. He then picked up a sword and lunged at you.

You tensed up a bit but still somehow managed to block it. His smile grew bigger. "I'm impressed." He said with a smile. "I was thinking you'd be on your ass by now because I knocked you over or something." He teased.

You laughed. "Honestly me too." You gripped the pipe tighter as Doflamingo went for another hit. You moved out of the way but he lunged at you with no warning.

You gasped and quickly blocked it. "I thought for sure that would catch you off guard.." He pouted. You rolled your eyes. He smiled. One thing was for sure, you had to stay on guard.

He then kicked your feet out from under you. "Agh!" You said as you fell down and he pointed the sword at you. "Just because someone is fighting with a sword doesn't mean they won't use other methods." He said and helped you up.

You groaned. "Yeah, yeah.." You said and dusted yourself off. "Don't yeah, yeah me." He said and picked you up again. He sat you down on a chair and then looked you over to make sure he didn't hurt you.

As he was making sure you were alright he glanced up at you. " ever eat a devil fruit if I found one?.." He asked out of the blue. Your eyes widened. "A devil fruit?..." You said quietly and thought about it.

"If it was a good one and not one that makes you look weird maybe." You answered with a small smile. "Why? You looking for one?.." You asked. He sighed. "Well almost everyone from my crew has one." He said and then stood back up.

"But I also need to be able to swim just in case, and if I go back home-" You're not going back home!" He snapped. Your eyes widened. He's never snapped like that.

"And I won't be able to save you or anyone in your crew if they fall into the water." You said trying to provide a good reason. You also didn't want to taste how bad it tasted.

He sighed. He walked over to the weapons. "Is there anything that you actually want to learn?.." He asked with a raised eyebrow. You thought about it. "Maybe swords or what I would call normal fighting moves." You said softly.

"So like me kicking your feet out from under you?" He said with a teasing smile. You rolled your eyes but nodded. "Yes, that." You said with a small smile even if you were a bit annoyed.

His Second Chance    {(Doflamingo x Reader)}Where stories live. Discover now