Chapter 10. You need sleep.

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His whole body tensed up. You knew how he felt about people that betrayed him. His hands tightened around you. "Who...?" He asked almost shaking. You gulped not really knowing how he'd react.

"Calm down.." You said and gently grabbed his hand. He gripped your hand hard and pulled you into his arms. He was holding you, like usual. He walked into his room and closed the door.

He loosed his grip and sat you down. "Viola...right?.." He asked with a gaze full of hate. Your eyes widened. How did he?... You sighed but slowly nodded. "How'd you know?" You asked rather curious.

He loosened his grip even more and let go of your hands. "Well.. when we came back from scaring the shit out of that old lady, you were smiling and laughing, but once you saw Viola it was gone..." He said and walked over to his desk.

How course he'd notice that... You shrugged your shoulders a bit. "I guess I'm easy to read then?.." You asked and walked up behind him. He was flipping through the papers on the desk.

"No...well a little. I can sense when you are just angry or uncomfortable, but...I can't tell what you're thinking like I can with a lot of others." He said and then handed you some papers.

He leaned down over you. "And I'll be solving this little puzzle in front of way or another." He said in a smooth almost singsong voice. Your eyebrows rose and a little shade of pink covered your cheeks.

Damn it..why must he look so good without even trying!? You quickly shook your head to get rid of the blush. "I won't let you solve me that easily." You said and turned away from him.

You heard him giggle. "Still got a nice ass!" He said and slapped it. You jumped and squeaked. You turned around and glared at him. "You little..." You said and then sighed.

"I'm sleeping on the couch tonight." You said and heard him gasp slightly. "But Y/nnnnnn!" He whined. He actually seemed to be serious though. "Who will help me with my night terrors..?" He asked quietly and looked away.

Your heart fluttered a bit. He fiddled with his fingers. You sighed. "You're lucky you're my favorite." You said as you looked through the papers. He seemed to ease up a bit.

You froze when one of them was the newspapers. You looked and there was nothing really about the Strawhats on there that time.

You went over to the other desk that he had in there and picked up the phone-like thingy. It showed them now on the sea going to Fishman Island. You put it down.

You looked back at him. "So why did you take this thing?.." You asked and he smirked. He turned to you and leaned against the wall. The sun flowed into the room and hit his face just a bit, but it was enough to make you scream internally.

"Glad you asked...I simply made a deal with it.." He said with that never-fading smile of his. You were curious. "What kind of deal?" You asked walking closer to him.

"Simple...I get to keep what is mine as long as I do something for it." He answered and you gasped. Did...Did he just call you HIS???!! You looked at him dumbfounded.

He laughed. He leaned down and grabbed your chin. "Did you think my kisses and love bites were for nothing? How blind you are Y/n." He said and then let go.

It looked like he wanted more kisses but decided against it. You gulped. "Do you want more..kisses?.." You asked trying to hide the blush on your face. His eyes widened and his smile grew larger.

"I'd love to." He said and grabbed you by the arm. He pulled you in close and kissed you before you even knew what was going on. After a second you started to kiss back because why not?

His Second Chance    {(Doflamingo x Reader)}Where stories live. Discover now