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I can't believe you'd say such a thing

Am I supposed to think you're a real friend?

You don't give a shit about how people feel

Only their looks and maybe their sound

But where's the respect you never express?

I wonder if you'll ever care as much as you pretend to

Blaming me for the problem is insane

I blocked you because you wish death upon people I love

You'll deny it but I know that's what you meant

I hope that you're sorry

Though I might not accept an apology

It's been too much of this,

I don't think you're going to change

It's not fucking funny to make jokes about suicide

I hope one day you get over yourself

And stop getting angry when people hold you accountable

Why would you act like I'm the enemy?

Are you jealous because I have a heart?

Are you bitter because I can be honest?

I don't want to talk right now

I don't even know if we'll fix this somehow

I don't think you want to be understood

Don't you realize this friendship is no longer good?

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