Chapter 1 - Ethan

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"Hey! Ethan!" A familiar voice says. I turn around. It was my best friend, Daniel.

Daniel was very muscular, and apart of the Football team. He's a jock. He has a buzz cut, a deep voice, a dark tan, and sparkling blue eyes. He was extremely attractive, and I'm gay as hell for this dude. More or so probably because me on the other hand, I have shaggy brown hair, brown eyes, a light voice and pale skin.
Daniel's taller than me by a good head. We're in eleventh grade. He's seventeen, I'm sixteen, and we go to Nova High.

I wasn't listening to what he was saying for a hot minute. I was staring into his eyes, getting more lost than if you threw an unsuspecting needle into a haystack. He then yelled my name loudly.
I jolt. "Huh!?"
Daniel looks at me. "I asked you a question."
"Uhhhh.." I turn red, and start blushing and stuttering. Daniel sighs. "I wanted to know if you heard of 'The dark area'."
I raise an eyebrow. "The huh what now?"
Daniel sighs. "The dark area. There's a rumor going around that in our school, there's a basement where they hide a bunch of shit. Since you like all that I thought I'd tell you." He says. I grin widely. He thinks of me!! I thought! My simp ass was taking this way too far.
"Oh! I- Uh- Okay! Thanks!"
"No pro-" The bell rings before he can finish his sentence. He begins to walk to class without saying bye. My eyes drop, as I think about him while walking.

I've known Daniel since eighth grade. I know that may not seem like a long time, but we bonded instantly. In ninth he got a girlfriend, but they broke up two weeks later. We got even closer after that.
My mind eventually trailed from Daniel, to the dark area. A thought then came to mind. What if.. What if I can prove myself to Daniel, by being brave! And before I knew it, I was running to the basement.

When I get to the honestly very easy to find basement, I'm very confused. It's dimly lit. All the walls were a drawer, and it is very windy and twisty. I look around, confused. I then hear footsteps. I freeze. Shit. I'm caught! I can't move. What if it's the principal?! Or my MOM?! I look to the side, and barley have time to blink before some girl pushes past me, nearly knocking me over. I have no time to react, for a bunch of older guys run past me! I'm so confused, and decide to follow them.

It takes a minute, but I find them. I freeze. The guys are about to beat up this poor girl!!  My eyes dart around, as I watch as he raises his fist to her. I try to think of what to do, but I can't think of anything, so I just run in front of them like an idiot. I'm scared, and jump when the guy yells at me. He tells me to move. I'm shaking, I and can barley talk. I'm praying someone will come save me, as I try to respond assertively to this dude, but it's really not working. I go paler than an albino when he raises his fist to me. I prepare for the beating of the century, until I hear..

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