Chapter 26 - Taylor

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Every few weeks Ethan can visit me. With his new job, and school, he's not been able to do so as much. But Daniel has been here every weekend! Which, I'm glad for. My mom has been here every day. I have to see a therapist every Wednesday, though. But, I'm glad I have company.

Ethan and Daniel walk in together. It's Friday evening, and they have two hours to visit me. I smile, as my mom leaves. They greet her as she exits, but the second she's gone Ethan tackles me with a hug. I jump, but it's okay. I hug him back.
"Taylor!! I'm sorry I haven't seen you in two weeks.." He mutters, guilty. I laugh. "It's okay! I missed you." I say. I'm not afraid to admit it. I did miss this bundle of joy.

Ethan tears up to hear that. "I missed you too." He says, swallowing his tears. I then look at Daniel, who's on his phone. I'm confused. "Daniel? Are you going to greet me?" I ask, in a jokingly way. He looks up, and smiles at me. "Hello, Taylor." He says. I look back to Ethan, who's smirking. He wiggles his eyebrows at me, and a lightbulb goes off. I grin back, as we both stare at Daniel. He looks up again. "W-What?"
"Do you have a crushhhhh?~" I ask him. He goes red. Ethan and I snicker. "What? Who's the lucky one?" Ethan asks, putting one hand on his hip. Daniel sighs. "It's a girl I met.. She just moved here." He mutters, looking away embarrassed. Sometimes I forget that Daniel is like- this big beefy guy, and not a little twig, so that must be very embarrassing to admit. I giggle. "It's okay, Daniel." I reassure him. He nods, and walks outside. I turn back to Ethan, who's now frowning. "What's wrong?" I ask him, though I feel I already know.
Ethan sighs. "I- I'm happy for him, but.."
"It hurts?" I ask. He nods. "The thing is- I don't like him anymore! I just.. Don't want him to be ripped from me.." Ethan mutters, tears threatening him. Frowning, I pull him in for a hug. He takes it. We sit like that for a while, but finally Ethan pulls away. He smiles at me, then chuckles a little bit. I tilt my head in confusion. "What is it?" I ask.
"Well- Funniest story.." He begins. He then proceeds to tell me that he has a new crush!! I gasp, and start coughing. He pats me on the back, laughing. "Act-tshh-" I cough some more, before finally speaking. "Actually?!"

Ethan nods. "Yep! His name is Lucas. He's my co-worker. Here." He says, pulling out his phone and tapping at it. He then shows me a photo of a blonde guy. I make a face of approval, and Ethan grins a face eating grin. "I know, right!! Ugh, he's SO. CUTE. And- at first I was like- I wouldn't date you, but I would. You know?"
I nod, and Ethan just goes on. "Well- We've been being paired up with my boss, who is his sister by the way- and like, we work practically every shift together!! Yesterday was our first shift without Lillian! The boss. And like-" Ethan starts squealing. I laugh. "Oh my gosh! You love this guy!!" I exclaim. Ethan nods. "He's awesome! And he's not so overbearing, which." He flicks his eyes towards the door that Daniel went out of. I nod, understanding. Ethan wasn't trying to be mean, but Daniel is a bit.. Yeah.
Ethan smiles, glad I understand. Just then, Daniel comes back in. "Uh- Ethan. We have fifteen more minutes."
"Already?!" Ethan and I ask at the same time. We look at each other before laughing. Daniel smiles warmly. "Oh, by the way, Taylor. I have two questions." Daniel states. "Yeah?"
"Okay, uhm, when are you going to get a new phone, since Penelope broke yours?"
"Soon." I say, not wanting to elaborate. I'll tell them later, because that topic leads to another..
"Okay- and when will you be out? School year is over in two months."
"Right.. Well, I've been doing my work. So I'll still graduate. But I should be out in about a week or two!" I say, happily. Both the boys smile. "That's good." Ethan says. Daniel nods. Ethan then gets up. "I guess we gotta go." He says, hugging me. He then goes to stand by the door, as Daniel comes up, and stretches out his hand. I take it, but then he pulls me up, and into a hug! I gasp, and so does Ethan. Daniel then leaves without another word. Ethan points behind him, where Daniel is walking away with a confused face. I shrug, still shocked, but we laugh it off. Ethan too leaves, waving behind him. I wave back.
God, I can't wait to be out of here..

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