Chapter 15 - Ethan

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I'm panicking, rocking back and forth on the rocky ground outside Taylors house. Daniel is patting me on the back, concern sketched onto his face. The entire CSI team is searching Taylors place, and we're not allowed in. Sighing, I get up. Daniel looks to me, confused. I look back at him. "We need to help." I say.
"No, Ethan. They have professionals helping. We're just a bunch of kids who need to find a college to go to in three weeks."
I sigh, defeated. I look back to the team. Someone is walking to us. It's a female. She has curly dirty blonde hair, which seems to be faded from some dye. She has hard eyes. She's dark skinned.
"Hello, I'm forensic scientist Katie June." She introduces herself. She looks like she'd rather be out partying then here.
I raise my eyebrow. I don't like her already, but Daniel seems to be fond of her.
"Hi, Katie. We're Taylor's friends. Daniel, and Ethan." He says, exchanging his hand. They shake. Katie then looks at me, and puts out her other hand. I keep eyeing her. Daniel nudges me. I sigh, and take her hand. We shake. She has a very strong grip! It makes me grit my teeth. We didn't notice, but we were eyeing each other, our hands tightening. Daniel gets in between us, pulling me away by my shoulder. She sighs. "So, apparently, Taylor got kidnapped. We found a metal pipe with her fibers on it. It also appears she was dragged. Our scene investigators found tire marks. They seem to belong to a Honda Ford. Do you know anyone with a Honda Ford?" She asks, flicking her eyes to me. I cross my arms and roll my eyes. "I don't have a car." I say. "Me neither." Daniel says. "I have a truck!" He says, grinning. "It's a Toyota."
Katie rolls her eyes. Daniel frowns. Seems our personalities have switched today.
Katie sighs. "Well, do you know who Penelope is?" She asks. I shake my head.
"Did Taylor ever mention a Penelope?" She asks. Daniel shakes his head. Katie huffs. "Do you two know anything at all?" She asks, bored and angry. I scowl. "I know my friend is in danger, and your team is not letting us help! You're just sitting here asking us stupid questions that should've been asked an hour ago!!" I yell. Katie looks offended. Daniel takes my shoulders. "Ethan! Chill out!" He says. Katie looks at me. "Do not yell at me, child. I am a professional, and I know what I'm doing." She growls at me. My face goes red with anger. "I AM NOT A CHILD!!" I scream, tears falling out. Daniel pats me on the back. "Sorry, my buddy here is really stressed." He says. Katie huffs, and walks off. Daniel looks at me. "Are you crazy?! That is a cop! You could get arrested for that!!" He grits at me. I realize his concern. I sigh. "Sorry.. I just-" I bury my face in my hands, groaning. Daniel's face softens, and he hugs me. I start crying.

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