Chapter 29 - Ethan

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I walk out of the hospital, texting Lucas. He said he'd be here soon.

I'm sitting on the concrete, playing on my phone when Lucas pulls up. We smile at each other, and I get into his car. It's late, and I'm actually really tired.

As we drive, Lucas turns up the radio. It's a rock station. Rock makes me uncomfortable, but I don't say anything. I just tense. Daniel likes rock.
Lucas notices my demeanor, and turns it down. "You good, b-man?"
I nod, staring out the window. I'm lying. My heart hurts. I just wanna hug Lucas, and have him kiss me, and tell me I'm going to be all right, and that I have him. I wanna cry.
I jump. "Huh?"
"What's wrong? You're worrying me. I don't want my favorite person to be sad his first time hanging out with me!!"
"My favorite person"
"Favorite person"
Favorite person.. I'm his favorite person! I'm someone's favorite again!! I feel..

"I'm your favorite person..?" I choke out, tears falling. Lucas frowns, keeping his eyes on the road. I want him to look at me. Look at me!
I'm so greedy..
"Yes, Ethan."
"I dunno. You're funny, you're kind, you're optimistic, and the best part is, you don't get on my nerves! Besides, I kinda have to deal with you since Lilly paired us up together." He explains. Every word that comes out of his mouth warms my heart more.
"Lilly?" I ask, confused.
Oh. "Oh."
Lucas smiles. It shows his adorable dimples, and my heart melts. I blush, but, I can't tell him he's my favorite person too. I just- can't..

When we pull up to his house, I gasp. It's small, but beautiful! I get out of his car.
"Now, chill out. My parents will think you're my boyfriend." He says as we walk up to the door, a bit red. My eyes widen. "You- you're gay?!" I almost yell, shocked. Lucas looks at me like it's obvious. "Yes?"
"Oh! Um, that's- cool." I stutter. Lucas frowns, looking a bit upset. "Do- do you not.." He trails off. I jump, does he think I'm homophobic?! I immediately correct him. "No!! No, I'm gay too, I was just- shocked!" I exclaim. Lucas opens the door, laughing. "Was it not obvious?"
"Well- no!"
But our conversation gets interrupted by a blonde lady, with blue eyes. She's beautiful! Like a female replica of Lucas.
"Lulu!! Is this your boyfriend?? Oh, he's so cute!!" She exclaims, pinching my cheeks. It kind of hurts, but I'm so red in the face she definitely can't notice. A man that looks like an older Lucas. He looks like a tumblr sexyman.

Lucas pushes his mom off me, gently. "Mom!! He's not my boyfriend, he's my co-worker! Chill out!"
His mom frowns. "Will he be your boyfriend?" She asks. I giggle, still very red. "Your mom is really kind, Lucas." I say, turning to him, blushing. Lucas smiles, also very red. Probably embarrassed. "She's annoying as hell." He says, nodding and smiling at her. She rolls her eyes. I frown, though. Poor Lucas's mom. She turns to his dad. "Theodore! Introduce yourself to the boy!" She yelps. The dad chuckles. "Hello, son."
I nod my head. "Hello, misterrrrr.." I don't know the family's last name! Luckily, Lucas corrects me.
"Mister Corret!" I say, smiling. Mr. Corret smiles. "What a sweet young boy, Lucas."
Lucas grumbles, red. He takes my hand and drags me through their hallway. I'm blushing furiously, and his parents can see it. They're smirking.

Once we get into his room, he slams the door shut. "I am so sorry about them.." He grumbles, very red. I'm also just as red. We both look like Lillian's hair. Oh! "Hey, where is Lillian?" I ask. Lucas looks at me. "She went to her best friend Brittney's today."
"Yeah, so we're alone. Well, other than my parents."
I laugh at the mention of them. "They seem so kind!"
"More like so embarrassing!" He exclaims. I laugh some more. Lucas just seems to have a way to have me always smiling.
"Oh, by the way, I called your mom and told her you'd be staying the night, since it's already almost nine o'clock. Is- is that okay?"
"Yeah! But, where will I sleep?" I ask. Lucas looks away, going fifty shades of red. I'm confused.
"U-Uhm. Well. With- me.." He mutters. Now I'm red! "O-Oh! Uh, cool."

It's awkwardly silent for a bit. I thank Mrs. Corret for knocking on the door. "Boys, I forgot to say. There's left over pizza! I have it out here if you want some?"
I look at Lucas. He shrugs and opens the door. I'm right behind him, starving. She hands us each a plate, with two slices of pizza each. "Thank you Mrs. Corret! You're very kind!" I exclaim. Mrs. Corret smiles. "Of course. Have fun!" She says, before closing the door. Lucas and I sit down and eat on the floor. I pull out my phone, checking it. I frown when I see no new messages from Daniel. I've been checking my phone a lot, and I've already explained to Lucas why.
Lucas frowns. "Ethan, can you turn off your phone and pay attention to me, please? This is your first time being over. I want you to have fun!" He says. My heart breaks for him. I realize I'm acting just like Daniel. I put my phone on Lucas's dresser, smiling at him. "Okay. All my attention is on you." I say. I decide to pull out a flirt card. "Are you jealous?" I ask, smirking. Lucas goes red, but throws one right back at me. "What if I am?"
Okay I have nothing for that.

Coughing loudly, I get up and grab our empty plates, walking out. Lucas follows me. "Where are you going?" He asks. "Washing plates." I say. Lucas frowns, and takes the plates from me, putting them in the sink. "Let my mom." He says. I shake my head. "Your mom doesn't need that extra work." I say. Lucas huffs, and crosses his arms, watching me wash dishes. I put them in the drainboard. "There. Now! Let's go back." I say, grabbing his hand and taking him back to his room. His parents, in the living room, were silently watching us, grinning. Well, his mom was.

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