Chapter 21 - Ethan

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'Gonna keep you locked up
Tight my heart is a safe'
I cry into my pillow, hugging it tightly. I wish Daniel didn't leave, but my mom is right. He refuses to cry in front of people.
'If I asked you to stay
Would you stick around'
I sniff up my tears, and walk to my desk, checking my calander. Who would've knew that in just one week, so much can happen? First, Taylor tells us about her job, and next thing you know, she's kidnapped! I sigh. Luckily we have one more week before school starts back up.. I think to myself, before freezing. Wait- No way! Sunday is Christmas!! I realize. It takes me a second to process.
I have exactly seven days until Christmas.
I have bought no presents.
I stand up, pausing my music, and grabbing my wallet and my phone, cursing loudly. I sprint out of my room. "What's wrong?" My mom asks as I open the door. "Christmas!!" I say in place of an explanation, and sprint out.

I run and run. I've slipped on ice more than once, but eventually, I make it to Target.

I look around, ready to buy. I have exactly five hundred dollars saved up. This is going to be fun.

I buy a roll of wrapping paper, tape, and a gift for everyone. I got Daniel a new pair of Bluetooth headphones (sound cancelling), my mom a beautiful necklace, my dad a nice camera, (I know how much he likes taking photos.) and Taylor computer stickers!!


Taylor.. Where are you..? I ask myself as I'm being checked out. The cashier hasn't even looked at me. I'm sorry I can't help you.. I just- I don't know! A tear rolls down my cheek, as the cashier rings me up. I give him all of my cash, and walk off, not waiting for change.

After all the gifts are wrapped, I hide them under my bed, and go back to crying. Welp, this will be never-ending.

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